Sunday, July 31, 2016

July 31, 2016 - Sunday in Nauvoo

We had a nice and relaxing Sabbath Day, today.  Our meetings began at 7:50am and we arrived at the Stake Center by 7:00am after walking from our little cottage.  The morning air was cooler at around 65 degrees and the forecast for noon today was only mid 70's.  It was a near perfect day to walk to Church except the humidity was a small factor!  

The Sacrament theme was; "Joy in Fasting", and that phrase caught my attention.  Is there really "joy" in fasting?  The argument for the joy was clearly made when one of the speakers made this comment; "Fasting is voluntary weakness".  Now that was worth contemplating!  Combining fasting without food or drink with fasting with a purpose really does help us to submit to a weakness that can only be strengthened by that Spirit that accompanies that level of submission!

Then in Sunday School, I had an "ah ha" moment.  Elder Ramsey was leading the discussion on the lesson and gave an example of how the world sees things, and how members of the Church can have a greater insight to the same things.  His example was Johnathan Browning.  The world sees him as a great gunsmith and developer of  rifles and guns.  On the other hand, the members of the Church, with study and prayer, can see him for his faith in living Prophets, his testimony of the Temple blessings, and his obedience in living the commandments, and knowing that he can be with his loved ones for time and all eternity.  

This is just one example of what we have, as members of the Church, available to us!  Reading and studying and living the Doctrines of Christ will open doors that no man developed education can provide.  We have been given all these marvelous principles of the Gospel, and all we have to do is understand them, embrace them, and magnify them in our daily lives.  When we do, it is life changing! 

Now, isn't that knowledge worth sharing?  Perhaps that is why the Prophets have all told us that every member is a missionary!  We can all spread the truth by opening our mouths, and not fearing what man can do with us, if we are willing to share.  What we do fear is not spreading the truth that we have been blessed with!  The Standard of Truth as quoted by Joseph Smith said;

"The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mob may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.”   This is our sweet opportunity to be involved with during our mortal years!

I conducted the District Meeting again this monthOur District Leader is wrapping up the Pageant and was shuttling the participants to the airport all day.  So mom and I took care of that meeting, and it was completed it in 30 minutes, and that included enjoying the refreshments!

Then Jackie and Devyn and Devyn's friend Lizzy arrived here in Nauvoo, this evening, to begin EFY tomorrow.  Jackie will spend the week with us and the EFY week begins tomorrow morning for the girls.  We are excited to have them with us this week!

Devyn and her friend Lizzy heading to EFY Nauvoo tomorrow!
 And then our current updates from home, specifically on the development of Levi;

Are you lookin at me?  Better have some formula or be drawing my bath water...

Senior Missionary at the weekly training?  Or a stop at the local High Priest Quorum?


  1. I love that quote from Joseph Smith! We had a great 5th Sunday lesson on missionary work today that made me want to do so much better at opening my mouth...and meeting people to share the gospel with! I definitely want to do more of my share of the work in preparing for the second coming. I love reading of your labors in your part of the vineyard💕 Thanks for your love and faith and work sharing the gospel!

  2. Love the caption with the last photo! Made me laugh!!! 😂😂
