Saturday, July 16, 2016

July 16, 2016 - Saturday in Nauvoo

Today we celebrated another family birthday in the mission field!  Bob enjoyed his special day with his family back home.   Mom and I were able to talk to him and sing him our traditional birthday song!  Thank you for being our son!  We are so proud of you and all that you do to honor and protect your family and the way you carry yourself in your work responsibilities.

Take a look at our first view of the morning sky as we were heading off to the Handcart Station this morning;  This was take right outside the garage door while I was backing the car out!

The view this morning from outside the garage door!
Mom and I were on a very tight schedule this morning, or so we thought.  We were up early and had our Scripture devotional and our prayers.  Our first scheduled trek was at 7:00am, and we were assigned to be at the Handcart Station by 6:45am to get things ready.  That meant another day without the early morning walk...

After setting things up and getting our handcarts ready to go for the nine scheduled at 7:00am and the fifteen scheduled at 7:30am, we sat down and waited.  Our friend, Elder Lyman, serving in the Family Search Center on a twelve month mission, stopped by for a little visit during his morning walk.  We talked for about 30 minutes and then realized our first scheduled group was late!  But it turned out that they were not late at all, they just didn't show up!  And the 7:30am group was not late either...  They just didn't show up!  Crazy trekker's; setting appointments and then forgetting to tell you they weren't going to keep the appointment... we could have taken our walk!!

However, we had a wonderful morning sitting here at the Handcart Station.  Our conversation was varied and we refreshed our memories of some great experiences here in Nauvoo and Carthage, and even back home in Rigby and further back in California.  We have met some wonderful missionaries and some amazing visitors here on our mission.  Here was the view we had as we were talking this morning;

The view above the Handcart Station this morning

The handcarts were ready and willing to go!  Where are the trekkers??
Then we had a family come at 11:15am from the Visitor's Center to see what the trek was all about.  They had the parents and grandparents and nine children under the age of 10 as a family group.  We explained the trek experience and reviewed the importance of staying on the path and the visual of, "holding to the Iron Rod".  We even had the children sing that Primary song!  

Then mom told them about planning, preparation and prayer that the Saints employed on their treks in the 1850's.  We then asked for one of the family members to offer a prayer for safety, and being happy, while they worked together.  A seven year old boy was then asked to offer the prayer, and we were so impressed with his prayer!  Here is an idea of how that prayer went; "Dear Heavenly Father, bless us to be safe.... bless us to not get hurt.... bless us to have fun and not have fights.... and bless us that Jesus can go with us on our trek..."

It is interesting to note that one of the other children, a little older, expressed concern that he would not remember all the things to pray for that we had mentioned.  But this young man nailed that prayer when he asked that Jesus could go along with them.  It was arguably one of the best prayers we had heard working here at the Handcart Station! 

And when they got back, they were all happy and safe.  They told us that they had several prayers including one of thanksgiving when one of the children avoided a more serious injury when she slipped pulling the handcart. One of the older Primary aged girls told me that when she slipped, the wheel on the handcart almost ran over her foot.... but she was protected because they had prayed for that protection. 

The children were all smiling and working together as they pulled those two handcarts up the last hill!  Does parenting ever get any better than having the children experience such a tender mercy and then acknowledging it?  Just part of the many special blessings it is for two senior missionaries to have while serving here in Nauvoo! Have we mentioned how much we enjoy serving here with these precious families??  So many of these stories are so inspiring to us!  We look forward to each day that we have the privilege of working here!

We had our Rendezvous Play this evening.  Mom and I had small supporting parts.  We played to an audience of about 85 for the first show and about 20 for the second show.  I was able to watch part of the show where mom was in the Relief Society vignette;

Look at that special front row lady in Relief Society Vignette!
It has been a wonderful day for us.  We got to talk to Bob and at least celebrate this special day with him from our mission assignment.  We have also gotten some sweet family pictures that I will close my blog with tonight;

One of the first actual photos of our birthday son!

Our Levi enjoying the best time of the day!  (next to eating food)

Cody and his cousins at the Chukar's Game

Cody throwing out the first pitch at the Chukar's Game!
Family photos!  Treasures of the experiences we have enjoyed along this path call life!  Mom and I have been so blessed by these wonderful lifetime experiences!  Thank you for checking in with us on this special day!


  1. Your dork son told me his birthday was Friday when I texted him happy birthday yesterday. Can you believe what we have to put up with??
    That 7 year old knows how to pray! So sweet!

  2. What a tender experienced the spirit is so strong there! I want to come back right now!
