Friday, July 1, 2016

JUly 1, 2016 - Friday in Nauvoo

Friday's schedule put mom at the wagon depot as the 2nd wagon narrator, today, and I got the assignment to work at the Family Living Center.  I had the 12noon to 6:00pm shift and mom worked from 8:00am until 2:00pm.  We had our Sunset play tonight, so it has been pretty consistent to work the later shifts until 6:00pm, and then be asked to be at the Sunset or Rendezvous locations at 6:30pm.  

There is no time to go home and have dinner, and rest up a little, before the show.  I think the schedulers kind of like to make our work day non-stop from 11:45am until 9:00pm when we get home.  (And that is only if we miss the BYU performers at 8:30pm)... 

But then again, our day really begins when we get up at 4:00am for our morning devotionals, and prayers, before putting in some exercise time!  Senior missions, you've got to love them!  And with our schedules being different from day-to-day, and since we don't get to work together every day, maybe sometime in the future we can serve a mission somewhere together!  (maybe a mission to be with our grandchildren!).

I walked down to the Family Living Center this morning since mom took the car for her shift on the wagons.  I did get to cross her path on her third wagon narration, and got to wave, and yell out; "best narrator ever!"  I love doing that with her!

My special experiences at the Family Living Center were many today.  I got to help some families involved in the Pageant, and youth groups from Tennessee, and many individual families.  I sure do enjoy the tours that include the younger children.  I gave the rope demonstration to these two young children along with their parents;
Twin 3 year old brothers
In the group involved in the rope making demonstration, I had these two young men help me with the demonstration. After we made the rope for this family, I gave them the one we made and then gave ropes, we had previously made, to several other families.  When the brother in the white shirt was holding the family rope, the brother in the blue shirt started to cry because he did not get one.  

Well, one of the other families offered their rope to this little boy, but he was not interested in any other rope, he wanted the rope his brother had because he had helped to make it.  Instead of holding on to the rope they made together, this precious brother handed him the rope he was holding, and took the other rope with a "thank-you" to the teenager who gave them their rope.  He did not hesitate to help make his brother feel better!  I asked the parents for permission to take their picture so that our grandchildren could hear about this kind example of sharing something treasured and see the pictures of the boys involved.  I am certain each of our grandchildren would have done the same thing!

Mom came to pick me up at about 5:45pm, at the Family Living Center, and we were excused, about 5:50pm, to get to the Sunset stage.  We had just enough time to check the handcart schedule for tomorrow before we reported to the stage.  The evening was so nice and cool!  And the temperatures were in the very low 70's tonight.

I had one of the temple missionaries share some photos from their trek on Thursday with mom and me.  And we were sent some pictures from home that we loved receiving!  Take a look;

Temple missionary's family at the handcarts

Grandpa sharing the story about the Thorny Locust Tree

Look at the base of the Thorny Locust Tree and the spikes!  Yikes!

Emma got her cast off today!  What a pretty girl!  Be careful Emma!

Look at this bundle of preciousness!  Our Macie!

Kyle and Katrina and Family surprised us at Sunset!
We have had a marvelous day and we get to do this all again tomorrow... starting at 7:00 at the Handcart Station!  Thank you for checking in with us tonight!  We love you!


  1. Oh what fun it is to be a senior missionary!😁

  2. Fun day! I'm kinda jealous of the cool weather! Cute pictures of you gearing the families up for trek. And finally I get to see a Macie picture!! So sweet!! I can't believe she's going to be one!!
