Wednesday, July 27, 2016

July 27, 2016 - Wednesday in Nauvoo

Mom and I had different assignments today.  She was covering the morning shift at the Riser Boot Shop and I had the Handcart Station with Elder Heslop.  After our morning devotional and prayers, we were off to the Training meeting for mom, and I went straight to the Handcart Station after I dropped her off.  Our first group came right at 7:30am, and was part of one of our senior missionary's family.  I caught these two pictures right outside our garage this morning;

What an interesting cloud covering the sun!

I liked the way the rays of the sun were shooting skyward
With ten scheduled handcart treks, we had a busy day at the Handcart Station.  All the families were fun to work with, but one family stuck out from the crowd.  I took some pictures for them because they had left their camera back at the car parked at the Visitors Center.  It was easy to catch them working together, and I think that is what separated them the most.

They had four children and three adults, so we decided one handcart would be the best.  I was a little concerned that this would be a difficult one mile trek so I gave them the option of cutting a half mile off the route if things were not going well.  They had prayer at the station and the youngest boy gave the prayer, very willingly, with the help of his dad.  Then they were off!

Best day ever!  The traditional Nauvoo Handcart shout!

"Holding to the rod" - By staying on the trail, and singing!

We went out to make sure they didn't miss the shortcut.... but

Welcome back to the Salt Lake Valley - (Handcart Station in Nauvoo)
It was when I caught up with the family, near the trail-head where they could have taken the short cut, they were singing and working so well together and helping each other out.  The two older boys were in the front of the cart and the dad was pushing and having a great time with his kids.  There was no way they wanted to take the short-cut!  They were going the distance together, and, when they came back to the Handcart Station, they were so happy and excited!! 

As I gave them their medals of completion of the trek, they all thanked me and were so respectful and smiling about their time together.  Families this well prepared are what make our days at the Handcart Station so rewarding!  Can you imagine what condition our world would be in if we had more families like this one teaching and living the Gospel everywhere they go?  As for me and my house, we will continue to build our eternal family relationships every single day!

When I got home, after my shift ended, I had some weeding to do in the garden.  At the Handcart Station, I must have lost ten pounds of water from sweating.  But working in the flower-beds around the house, I must have lost another ten pounds because my clothes were soaking wet.  I wish I had taken a "before" and "after" picture now that I think about it of how many weeds I was able to eliminate!

Finally at Rendezvous tonight we said good bye to Sister Goodman.  She is leaving the mission early to go home to her 93 year old father whose health is failing.  He took a turn for the worst this past week and she felt she needed to be there for him and for her mom.  We have really enjoyed our time with her, and getting to know about her life, and the influence she and her family have had in their travels... we will miss her.  I always enjoyed her playing the piano for me as I did the Editors part, and mom and I both loved serving with her in the Visitors Center when she worked as the Assistant Site Leader with us.  Here are some pictures from tonight;

Playing the warm-up song in the "Green Room"

Eternal friendships!

On stage behind the scene at her piano - a very talented lady!
Well, that's our view of old Nauvoo for today.  We have had a great day and we are settling in tonight for a good nights rest... but I have to share some family shots before I close!

Levi counting the rotations of the ceiling fan!  Such a smart boy!

Callie taking such good care of her little brother!
We are so thankful for the privilege and opportunity to serve our mission here in Nauvoo.  And we are so blessed to have the love and support and prayers from our precious family and friends!  Thank you for checking in with us tonight!  We love you!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you will appreciate the Idaho dry heat more when you get home😜
    We want to come back and do another handcart trek with you guys!!
