Monday, March 28, 2016

March 28, 2016 - Monday in Nauvoo

We had a marvelous day with the Jeppson's!  Mom and I were up early for our morning devotional and prayers.  Then we began our morning walk at 5:50am to get a jump start on our P-day!  The air was crisp and cold!  The temperature was around 29 degrees!  But we had a great walk, and got back home around 7:00am.  We had breakfast and Josh and Calli and Courtney and I went to the FM facility to wash the Jeppson's car.  It looked so much better after we got done...

When we got back, we got ready for the day's activities.  Cambry was scheduled in the temple at 10:00am and Josh and Amy were going to the 11:00am temple session.  During the temple session, and after Cambry was done with her confirmations, we came home to bake some cookies!  Oh how I love baking cookies with my grandchildren!!!  Then we visited a few historic sites and made it to the prairie grass burning demonstration.  We had a full day!

Selfie Training
Cambry, mom and dad on their way to the Nauvoo Temple

We walked down to the temple to meet Cambry

Cambry's first visit to the Nauvoo Temple - completed!
What a precious group of grandchildren!

Cookie time!

The Prairie Grass just before the fire

The burning begins

And quickly spreads....

And continues to spread...

All within 5 short minutes
I cannot imagine what the pioneers must have done when the prairie caught fire.  There was no place to go!  This heat was intense from 50 yards away, and this was only an acre of grass.

Tonight, I got to share some wonderful pioneer stories, with the children, from Nauvoo and Carthage.  It was so fun to relate to them the struggles and challenges the pioneers had to make in comparison to the struggles and challenges we face today.  These precious children are at the perfect age to begin the learning process of many of the untold stories of these precious early Latter-day Saints!  It has been a great day!  I understand more fully the importance of the word "remember" as President Hinckley and President Kimball often taught.


  1. Awe, that is so awesome and crazy that Cambry is old enough to do baptisms! And now Zac is almost there as well! Time flies. Sounds like a great day!!💛💗

  2. I'm so glad the Jeppson's are there with you! SO FUN!!! I wish we could make another trip out there! We sure LOVE and MISS you! You two are awesome and are doing a great work!!! 💜

  3. We had the best tour guides today!! Definitely learned a lot while being entertained!
