Sunday, March 27, 2016

March 27, 2016 - Easter Sunday in Nauvoo

Happy Easter Sunday!  We have certainly enjoyed our Easter Sunday with the Jeppson's.  We were able to attend Church together and be edified by the Sacrament and the messages and music that was shared.  We had a family breakfast together after the meetings and then mom and I served at the Heber C. Kimball home.  Then we came home to an Easter dinner with the Jeppsons and a fun Sabbath day evening.

Courtney and Isaac

Precious Callie
We had a game tonight with the children called charades.  One of the phrases that was acted out was for, "side burns".  In a wonderfully hilarious moment, Callie acted out the charade by rubbing her rib area and pretending to pull the hands away as if they were "hot".... thus.... "side" "burns".  She was so cute and we had a little too much laughter when she became self conscious and just a tad embarrassed.  It is so good to be with our family this week!!  (An understatement of the year!)

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