Friday, March 25, 2016

March 25, 2016 - Friday in Nauvoo

Happy Birthday Callie and Courtney!  We love you and can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Today we had our first time assignment working in the gardens together.  We worked directly with the resident horticulturalist, and with Sister Knapp, and what a treat that was for us!  We were transplanting various garden flowers and plants into bigger pots in preparation for the May planting of all the gardens and decorative pots for Nauvoo and Carthage.  Here are some action shots;

Inside one of three 30' by 60' greenhouses!  I want one!

Taking seedlings and potting them in individual pots
We had a great time working with the experts today.  Richard is pictured with us in one of the workshop areas, and Sister Knapp is with us in one of the greenhouses.  What a wealth of knowledge Richard has about the hundreds of plants being prepared for beautifying the gardens throughout Nauvoo and Carthage!  

The day began early with our usual prayers and devotional this morning.  We left for the FM opening meeting at 6:40am this morning and participated in their morning devotional and prayers, as well.  Then we toured the greenhouses and did the re-potting.  We then went to the sites and worked on cleaning out old growth and leaves.  The temperatures by the time we got outside was a very comfortable mid 40's and sunny.  What a great day to work in the gardens!

After our shift ended at 1:30pm, we drove home and changed clothes and headed to Keokuk.  We needed to get a few more things for our long awaited and anticipated visit from the Jeppson's!!  They arrived safely in Kearney, Nebraska, this afternoon.  We were very thankful for their safe journey so far.  They plan on meeting us in Carthage tomorrow!  Oh happy day!!!

Then, for our Rendezvous Play, we had two performances.  Things went really well, and I had a sweet experience with two members of the audience.  They were in the Blacksmith shop yesterday to witness the miracle of Elder Lasher making their amazing horse shoe.... Those precious girls who were around 5 or 6 years old, came up to me after the show and with the biggest smiles on their faces said "Hello Elder Lasher!".... I got to give them knuckles and invited them to come to Carthage tomorrow for a tour with us there.  Today was a sweet payday for this senior missionary...


  1. That's awesome!❤ I'm so excited for Amy and Josh and the kids to get there!
