Tuesday, March 22, 2016

March 22, 2016 - Tuesday in Nauvoo

I sure got a lot of walking in today!  After mom and I finished our morning devotional and morning prayers, mom went to catch a ride with Sister Knapp to the 7:00am FM meeting and I went off on my own morning walk.  I got back to the house and went through my workout routine and got ready for the day.  

Scheduling, who normally micro manages every missionary's schedule, called me to change my schedule.  I got to work the split shift at the Blacksmith Shop.  That meant that I got to walk the 1.9 miles to the shop and work 9:45am to 12:00noon, then walk back the 1.9 miles to our home.  Then at 2:30pm I drove down to finish the second half of my shift from 2:30pm to 5:00pm.  By the end of the day, I got my 8 miles in!

I also got a call from the mission president.  I had asked to give a Monday Family Home Evening tour of Carthage to our family coming to town this week.  He denied the request saying that it would set a precedent that he did not want in the mission.  After I gave my thoughts on the matter, and after hanging up the phone, I knelt down and offered a prayer of repentance for feeling the way I did about the decision.  Who says serving a full time senior mission is not for the growth and development of the senior missionary himself???  

When I got back to the house after the first half of my day, mom was not yet home.  But, we had a brand new washing machine to replace old smoky...  I got to get some of our laundry started before she finally got back home around 2:00pm.  

Then, after my second half of work, we got ready for the Rendezvous Play.  We had two more shows tonight!  However, mom and I had to leave right after our parts in the second show for my hair-cutting appointment at 8:45pm.  Yep, mom was up with me until past 9:00pm!  It has been a full day for both of us as mom got to work in the gardens and around some of the historical sites raking out the overgrown vegetation.  We will get to work together at FM this coming Friday.

A full moon tonight!

The haze is from the perpetual Nauvoo fires
I got these two pictures while I waited for mom to finish her part in Rendezvous.  There is a tradition here in Nauvoo to irritate the Mormons.... They have a fire pit that the Nauvoo City keeps burning almost all year long.  They burn anything they can with leaves, and old branches, and downed trees, and old scrubs being plentiful.  And the fire-pit is right across the street from the main historical sites.  

I think that we have had way too many members of the Church come to Nauvoo and disrespect the residents here.  They walk in the middle of the street and park in the wrong places, and drop trash around town.  I think I would be upset if that were happening in my home town!  Hopefully the visitors coming this summer will show more respect.

Time for bed!  We have a new start time for the Wednesday Training meetings... 7:00am instead of 7:30am.

1 comment:

  1. Well that's too bad about members being disrespectful. And I love your heart to pray after that phone call. I'm a little bummed myself, I was hoping for an after hours tour. Oh, well!😊
