Thursday, March 10, 2016

March 10, 2016 - Thursday in Nauvoo

Well, after getting our move day completed yesterday, it was back to the sites today.  Mom served at the Brigham Young home and I served right around the corner at the Browning Gun shop.  We had several wagons come by today with quite a few visitors for Spring Break.  We had four tours of the Browning Gun shop, and I helped Conservation do an inventory of the site this morning.  My shift ended at 2:45pm, which surprised me because of a schedule change I wasn't aware of.  So, I went over to share the balance of the day with mom at the Brigham Young home, and let her companion off two hours early.

After we had our morning devotional and prayers this morning, we went to a hair appointment set for mom at 6:00am.  After her hair cut we came back home to dry her hair and then take our walk.  The temperatures were in the low 40's and the air was so clean and clear.  It was our second walk around our new trail!

Then, our last activity was the Sunset rehearsal.  The opening night is May 26th and we are the first cast to perform.  We will also be the last cast to perform on August 13th.  This should be a fun show for the men, but mom has a lot more difficult dance to learn.  We just will work our hardest and do our best to learn the songs and the dance steps.  This should be a very interesting summer!  I had to catch a picture of mom's rehearsal tonight.....

The lovely Sunset Lady!
Mom and I are recording some very interesting experiences here in Nauvoo.  We have had some senior missionaries ask us why we did not take the photography calling here in the mission.  They seem to think that we turned it down because we thought it was "too much" for us to do....  That is the farthest from the truth, and a little frustrating coming from a Zion community.  You see, folks are listening to other folks who do not know that the mission president made that decision to release us.  

To me, it is a great lesson in not judging others in any degree.   We cannot know the details of peoples lives, or people's motives, as they struggle to work out their own salvation.  Probably the last thing we ever need to do is try to second guess why someone else does things we don't understand, or like, or support.  Rather, we need to take a good, long look at our own lives and see what we can do to be better and to do better.

Isn't there a reference in the Good Book that suggests that we eliminate the "beam" in our own eye, before we attempt to remove the "mote" in someone else's eye...... seems to me I've read that somewhere........

Food for thought and certainly a great lesson for me!  Let me take responsibility for me and give others a chance to take responsibility for themselves.  That's my thought for this evening, and I'm sticking with it!


  1. Hey I've learned the same lesson recently with this pregnancy!!! Just mind your business cause you have NO idea what the real story is! It has taught me a lot!! Sounds like we as members need lots of help in the gossiping department. Very sad!
