Saturday, March 12, 2016

March 12, 2016 - Saturday in Nauvoo

In Nauvoo, during the months of March and April, we are experiencing various Spring break periods.  This past week we were seeing folks from Texas, and this week they are coming in from Missouri.  It has been uplifting to see the increase in guest counts each week.  The days certainly go by quicker when we have people who come to Nauvoo and want to know more about the history of the Saints who lived here.

Mom and I got to bed late last night but did not want to miss our early morning routine of having our devotional and prayers together.  After our morning devotional and prayers we left for our walk at 6:00am and enjoyed a cool morning walk around Nauvoo.  There were a few more people up on this Saturday than we usually see.  But it might have to do with the new route we use to walk each morning.  Either way we are delighted to be out and enjoying the fresh morning air together.

I served at the Blacksmith shop and mom was right around the corner at the Brigham Young home.  We both had the all day shift.  Today was a good day for tours in both sites.  The Blacksmith shop had just under 100 guests today.  And I was happy to take one of my former Beehive's from the Creekside Ward on a tour with her family of 5 children with number six due next month.  Here is a photo of Sister Rena Duge;  

Rena and a world famous Blacksmith...
We had some fun this morning at the Blacksmith shop when Ike and Abe came by to say hello.  These are BIG animals!  Take a look;

Elder Angel from St Anthony, Idaho

These Oxen weigh in at about 1200 pounds each!

The would famous Farrier

Elder Orme and his last work day of his 18 moth mission!

These two muscle oxen have a lot of "pull"
I have one other picture that explains how important balance is in our lives.  You may remember this from some of the posts from Carthage.  Here is the picture followed by the explanation;

Too much of a "good" thing?

This tree is growing right across the street from the Blacksmith's Shop.  It is about 75 years old and in the process of decaying before our eyes.  You see, the trees in Nauvoo have always had an unlimited water supply.  They drink up that water all day long, and water is a necessary ingredient for life sustaining.  However, this habit of the trees having so much water makes them dependent on only one good thing to help them grow.  They neglect the nutrients that are so vital to strength  and vitality!  

They do not keep their lives in balance.  That helps me to understand that reading Scriptures, saying our prayers, studying the teachings of the Prophets, partaking of the Sacrament every week, serving others in our wards and in our neighborhoods, helping the poor and downtrodden and incorporating all these things, in balance, in our lives, is essential to real growth and strength. 

The picture of this tree offers me a visual reminder of that balance.  When you come to Nauvoo, let's take a look at some of these trees!  Thank you for joining me tonight!  Don't forget to "spring ahead" on the clocks before your head hits that pillow!

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