Friday, March 18, 2016

March 18, 2016 - Friday in Nauvoo

Today started off a lot cooler than yesterday.  The clouds and the slight wind brought the temperatures into the 30's for our walk this morning.  So, after our morning prayers and devotional, we bundled up and took off on our morning walk around Nauvoo.  It was a great start to our morning of being able to serve together in the Seventies Hall.  Here is a great picture of mom sharing the Seventies Hall story;

These folks are from Rexburg
This sister knows Tyson Taylor.  She worked as his trainer at the motel in Rexburg.  It was fun to make the connection with them!  We invited them to come to Rendezvous tonight and they came for the 2nd show!

We had a few visitors today, quite a few less than yesterday.  There is some work being done on the stairs at the Seventies Hall so we had to wait in the car until about 10:30am this morning before we could settle into the site.  We opened up on time but just had to stay out of the way for a short time.  It was cold waiting in the car, and I was thinking how nice it would have been to wear a jacket today!  I did get some good pictures, though, from our walk this morning;

Quite a sunrise just down our street

The colorful sunrise surrounding the temple

A shot of the temple just before the sunrise
We got off of our shift at 5:00pm and got ready for the Rendezvous Play.  We had two shows tonight.  The first one was packed with over 100 in the audience, and the second one was about 80 people.  The second show had several new missionary couples who are just arriving in the mission field.  It was fun to meet several of the couples as they came out of the show tonight.  Ahhhh memories.....

In the first show mom and I had the roles of Editor and Relief Society President.  As the Editor, I get to watch most of the show from a side seat.  Well, tonight, Alan Osmond and his wife were sitting right next to me.  I would not have known them, except one of our cast members recognized them and let me know.  What a treat!  And they were so kind after the show!

And tonight, we said goodbye to one couple belonging to our cast who are headed home.  Elder and Sister Veenker have been so much fun to be around.  They felt like long time friends almost from day one way back in February 2015!  We will miss them....

Elder and Sister Veenker
It is the tradition of the cast to sing one final song to members who are heading home.  Probably not the easiest thing to do!!  Lots of Nauvoo memories, so far, and soon we can make some additional precious memories with the Jeppson Family!!! ... just eight more days!!!

1 comment:

  1. Got our hotel booked for the way there! We are excited!
