Tuesday, August 9, 2016

August 9, 2016 - Tuesday in Nauvoo

The temperatures climbed up again, today, and this morning we had walking temperatures in the low 70's with lots of humidity.  It promised to be a warm and muggy day, and the commitment was kept!  After our morning devotional and prayers, we left the house at 5:30am and felt the warmth immediately.  However, we had a great walk and enjoyed the morning :warm up"....  

Mom and I had a shocking surprise later this morning when we got home from our walk.  The FM missionaries came to our house to add a window in the living-room!  It so happened that when they did the home remodel before we moved in last March, that they were short some outside siding on the south end of the home.  They had taken out a window size air conditioner and replaced it with central air.  But they could not find siding to match the current material, so they decided to put a window in!  The funny part about this little project was that once they got the window installed, they did not quite have enough siding to cover the now smaller space on the outside wall!  Crazy.... The project took about four hours ...

Before our "surprise" remodel

After the surprise!
Our site assignment today was the Nauvoo Visitor's Center and our shift was changed from 6:00pm until  9:00pm to the shift of 3:00pm until 9:00pm  Everyone must work a minimum six hour shift.  The only tough thing about going in at 3:00pm today was that there were six missionaries all standing around talking to each other, with a hand full of guests looking around, when we walked in at 2:45pm.  Oh well, we just jumped on the visitors and began conversations that were fun and informative for them and for us.  We had a great time until the center went quiet during the showtimes of 6:30pm to 8:00pm and 8:30pm to closing.  The only rush we had was potty breaks!

As we were working the very quiet Visitors Center this evening, we had the BYU Vocal Point singers come into the center to warm up before their 8:30pm performance.  We got to meet each one of them and they were so kind and very friendly.  What great ambassadors for the Church!  The sad part is I did not get a picture with them!  Probably the late night activity that caught mom and I off guard, and not responding to the unique photo opportunity!!


  1. That's a random surprise to come home to 😂
    Also last night's comment was supposed to say fond not find memories. Silly phone! I couldn't reply to my comment to correct myself either. So I had to do it here! 😉 Sure LOVE you!

  2. Fun window! And fun day! Way to go☺️
