Friday, August 19, 2016

August 19, 2016 - Friday in Nauvoo

Friday came rather quickly this week as we realized another week had gone by.  Today it was our separate shift day where mom worked as the narrator on the wagons on the 2nd morning wagon, and I had the closing shift at the Family Living Center.  She took the car down to the wagon depot to begin her shift at 8:00am, and I walked down to the Family Living Center later in the morning.

We are just two days away from starting our last week here in Nauvoo!  And today marked our exact day that we drove into Nauvoo, and officially began our service here, 18 months ago.  Just by reading this blog, it has been a life-changing time period for both of us sure!

We were up early this morning to begin our day with our morning prayers and devotional.  It was then our pleasure to take our morning walk around Nauvoo.  This was our 5th day in a row that we have been able to do this together!  The morning was warm and humid, but it was very nice to be able to enjoy the early morning walk together.  We left the house at about 5:15am and got back a little over an hour later.  Mom had to be at her site by 8:00am and I was scheduled at 12 noon.  

The picture in front of our house at 6:20am this morning!
As we approached the house from our morning walk, we met over a dozen deer traveling through the neighborhood.  In this picture I missed four or five of the herd before I caught these three.  They love this neighborhood because of all the wonderful gardens in the area!  But this was the first time we had seen so many together.

Working at the Family Living Center this afternoon was interesting.  The guests that came today numbered less than 200.  That is a very low number for this site, especially with the wagon rides that now start right outside in the parking lot.  The benefit of those rides starting here at the Family Living Center means every rider eventually comes in for tours or the restrooms.  And mom was one of two narrators for these rides today, and we got to see each other a couple of times before she was off at 2:00pm.

Again, I had several families that I got to give my rope demonstration to, along with the presentation on being a Cooper and a Potter here in Nauvoo in the 1840's.  One of the families I gave the various tours to were here from Sugar City, Idaho, and knew Gene and Jill Jeppson!  What a small world!  They were a fun family to make the ropes with today!

And finally the pictures mom took yesterday were on the phone camera today.  So here are some action shots of little Bobby helping the senior missionaries with their Vignettes in the Rendezvous play;

Bobby playing George

An obedient George...

Trouble brewing with Agatha!  Look out George!
Here is our Macie posing for the camera.  Look at that little finger gently touching her cheek as she notices the camera!  Macie, we are so looking forward to meeting you!!

Is that the cutest picture???
I found this quote very interesting as it relates to senior missionaries, (and any of us for that matter!) - to close out my day!

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me".    Erma Bombeck 


  1. So first off I couldn't comment on yesterday's post but I loved that story about the boy running up and giving you a hug and then the other boy remembering you! SO CUTE!
    I love that action shots! And of course the captions!
    I love that quote and I LOVE you!

  2. How neat to see all the wildlife so often. I would like to sit and watch you teach the new missionaries your skills! You are awesome!! And that Macie is a peach!
