Monday, August 15, 2016

August 15, 2016 - Monday in Nauvoo

Mom and I enjoyed our preparation day together.  We started off the morning with our devotional and prayers.  It was nice and early in the morning, and we had a very cool 67 degrees showing on our outdoor thermometer.  After getting our morning off to a great start, we left for our walk at 5:00am.  It was darker, this morning, as the timing of the dawning of the sun gets later.  We finally saw some daylight coming over the temple as we were about one and a half miles into our walk.  I caught this picture, but it looked so much better with the naked eye!

Taken along Parley Street about 5:40am this morning
We got back home a few minutes past 6:10am and got ready for the 8:00am temple session.  The Skinner's joined us at the temple as we were just walking up the sidewalk.  We had about 20 patrons in the 8:00am session, and mom and I were the witness couple.  When we got out of the temple we saw these wonderful clouds;

Such amazing formations!

The Lord's Handiwork!
After the temple we took, probably, our last drive to Keokuk for groceries.  I have an appointment for service on Moroni next Monday, in Quincy, so we will grab the essentials we need there.  The following Monday is our release date, and we will be leaving Nauvoo, bright and early, and heading to Virginia Beach for an extended visit with PopPop.

We will celebrate 18 months in the mission field here in Nauvoo tomorrow.  It was February 16, 2015, that we entered the MTC, for the second time, to train for the Visitor's Center responsibilities. The first time was for two weeks in November 2014, for medical training, office training, and Preach My Gospel Training.  Most every missionary here in Nauvoo today thinks that we are not supposed to be leaving early.  Little do they know that we are now one of two senior missionary couples who have been here the longest.  The other couple worked with the pageant and they go home next week!

It was the second to last Rendezvous Play that mom and I are scheduled for the main parts.  Our finale comes next week!  And we will do two more shows doing the smaller parts.  What a ride this has been for us!  We both feel that each phase of our lives have been filled with marvelous growing experiences.  Some have asked if we are sad to be leaving Nauvoo, and we are quick to respond that we have given our mission our very best efforts, and we are looking forward to the next chapter in our lives!  "Press Forward Saints", is not only mom's favorite song, but it is our anthem for experiencing whatever lies ahead!

And now for some great pictures from some fast growing grandchildren.  The pictures finally got downloaded into my file on my phone!

How about a quick game of one-on-one?

How much longer will this Priesthood lesson take?  I need my diaper changed....

I love my sister!.... What are those heavy things dangling on my feet?

I love to see the Temple and play on the Temple grass!

We love seeing these pictures and especially the growth of these precious grandchildren!  When we get home, we have almost two years of stories and testimonies to share with each one of you!  Are you getting ready?  Family Home Evenings and family gatherings will never be the same again!

And my final thought comes from a quote from Patrick Overton;

  When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly.

We are excited to see you!  Thank you for checking in with us tonight!