Monday, August 8, 2016

August 8, 2016 - Monday in Nauvoo

It was on August 8, 1995, that I got a call from my sister that my mom was in the hospital after having a heart attack.  My sister, Jackie, is a registered nurse and let me know I needed to come to Fresno right away.  I was about 3 hours away in the Bay Area of California, and I left the store I was managing for Longs Drugs in Livermore, and had Josie and Bob ride with me, and we made a beeline for Fresno and the St. Agnus hospital.  I arrived there in record time and met my sister in the waiting room of that hospital.  She indicated that the doctors could do no more for mom.  I was stunned, and probably in shock as we were led to mom's room where she was on some kind of breathing machine that they were about to turn off.  I gave that precious lady a Priesthood blessing and we said our good-byes.

My mother was an amazing lady.  She was widowed at the tender age of 27 when my father passed away while on duty at the Fresno Fire Department.  He had had a heart attack and died within minutes.  He left his wife and his two children behind.  I was not quite 3 years old and my sister was not yet 4 years old.  I have always been impressed with how she was able to carry on and help us become the best that we could become.  I have always been grateful that my children were able to at least know her and love her.  I can only imagine that day, in 1995, with the reunion she and my dad had. It was a long 42 years that they had been separated, and now they were back together learning more about the principles of the Gospel.  Oh how thankful I am for the temple ordinances!!

Mom and I had a very nice Preparation day.  We had our early morning devotional and prayers.  We had a wonderful walk around Nauvoo.  We attended the 8:00am temple session.  And we had our morning shopping trip to Keokuk after the temple.  As we see the days passing towards our exit from Nauvoo, we are getting more things done around the house in preparation for leaving at the end of this month.

We also drove to Carthage for my monthly haircut with Jim.  It looks like this will be my last haircut with him.  He has taken such good care of me since we met him while living in Carthage last year.  I not sure what influence I was able to have on this prospective member, but we parted today with a greater appreciation of each other and the things we are involved in.  He certainly has been exposed to missionary work, and I have been exposed to a multi generational Carthage family.  I am not sure if his ancestors were involved with the June 27, 1844, Carthage Martyrdom, but I know that he is warm and receptive to the Mormons!

I also had the sweet privilege of giving one of my fellow senior missionaries a Priesthood Blessing in Carthage.  He is studying for the Editors part and he just needed a little boost.  There is always room for a Priesthood Blessing in anything we do or try to accomplish.  Too many times we forget about that wonderful principle of the Gospel that was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith.  Taking the time to request and participate in a Priesthood blessing will always benefit the recipient, and the Priesthood holder acting in his office and under the authority of that Priesthood! 

The balance of our afternoon was very restful as we took the opportunity to refresh ourselves from a busy week.  Then we participated in the Rendezvous play tonight and had two shows.  The first audience was very quiet, and the second audience was a little more supportive.  However, there really is no audience that would compare to the YPM's from last Thursday's late show!  We have had a wonderful day!


  1. I didn't realize that your mom was so young when she died. I can tell by your stories of her and Bob's memories that I would have loved knowing her in this life, but will be grateful for the opportunity to get to know her in the next!
    We love you 💕

  2. Granny was an amazing lady! So many find memories!
