Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9, 2015 - Monday in Nauvoo

Mom and I both got to bed early last night and we were up early this morning.  After our morning devotional and prayers, we started off on our walk around the city in 33 degree temperatures.  Without any wind this morning, it was a wonderful hour long walk.  I even rehearsed my Rendezvous lines just to maintain them fresh in my mind.

After our breakfast we headed to the Visitors Center for the opening shift.  It was a very quiet morning at the Visitors Center but we had a few guests come in.  One family came in from Idaho and they knew our family!  Natalie has cut Josie's hair and Natalie's mom works at the pre school that Landon and Emma attend.  In fact, when Natalie texted her mom, she was at the school with Emma and Landon.  Natalie's grandparents just completed a trek in Martins Cove with their Stake and they were visiting Nauvoo and Carthage.  What a sweet tender mercy!

Natalie and her grandparents the Jones' from Rigby, Idaho

Another view of the Fall transformation at the Visitors Center.

The Mission Presidency
After our Rendezvous Play tonight that started at 5;30pm, mom and I attended a mission talent show.  We did not stay for the full show since it started at 7:30pm and was going to be over an hour in length, but I did snap this picture of the opening act;  the Mission Presidency singing and dancing to the Beatles song, "I Want to Hold Your Hand", only their version was; "I want to Shake Your Hand".....  hilarious....

The presidency includes President Veenker on the left, President Harwood in the middle, and President Gibbons on the right.  President Hardwood heads home on Wednesday, after the training meeting, so we should hear who his replacement will be Wednesday morning.

We have had a great day today.  After the Visitors Center service time, mom and I walked back to our little cottage.  While she prepared our dinner, I went to make final orders for the missionary Thanksgiving dinner we were asked to head up.  Then I went back home and we changed into our Levi's and we went to the Grooves, where Joseph Smith gave several sermons in the outdoor setting in the shadow of Nauvoo Temple construction.   Here we wiped down the reader boards, as part of a cleaning assignment, and then we went back home.  Our days certainly stay full and busy!

1 comment:

  1. That's so fun the connections you make! Landon was excited about his hug from grandpa and granny!
    We sure LOVE you!
