Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 5, 2015 - Thursday in Nauvoo

Mom and I were scheduled for the early shift at the Nauvoo Visitor's Center today.  That means we were scheduled 8:45am until 2:00pm.  This schedule gave us a great afternoon to relax and get ready for the Rendezvous Play tonight.  The number of visitors at the center was less that 50 during our shift today as we prepare to take full responsibility for the operations here.  The Schultz had their last scheduled work day yesterday and will be heading home tomorrow morning after the breakfast.

We had a marvelous walk this morning.  It was cloudy and a little windy and in the high 50's.  Almost a perfect morning to walk our 3.5 miles.  Since the day light begins a little earlier, we were able to leave the house at 5:45am, and have plenty of light for our walk.  Then, as we got back home, I did my 30 minute workout and had breakfast and got ready for the day.  We walked to the Visitor's Center and got there by 8:40am and began opening up the building.

Just off the Women's Garden entrance to the Visitor's Center

Look at that ground cover of Fall leaves!
These wonderful photos were just waiting to be taken this morning!  I can only imagine the great pile of leaves my grandchildren and I could make here!  And then we could run and jump into the big soft pile and I could take the pictures!  Oh, how we miss those precious grandchildren!!  And, oh, how we miss our family!

Rendezvous went well tonight.  Mom hit all of her lines perfectly and I only missed one word in my opening script.  I totally drew a blank on that word and had to quickly make one up.  Too bad the word was a terrible fit...... I just hope the audience of 20 people didn't catch it.... like that might be a possibility....  But mom made an accurate assessment, it does keep you humble knowing you blew a word in a very familiar line!  This was our 9th show that mom and I have had the major parts.  Looks like I might get a chance to do a few more plays before they cut me out of the play!

Take a look at this Scripture, in which I've listed below, that  Mom chose to "ponderize".  Notice in the first line that we are encouraged to have charity 'towards all men"; and then the insight, that mom had about, "and to the household of faith'.  Mom made the comment that maybe we are to have charity for all men, and particularly to the believers - our ward members and family members, and members of the Church in general. 

That means that maybe we love our ward members, perhaps more, and extend to them more charity in serving with them, and worshiping  with them, and even overlooking their faults and idiosyncrasies.... and be perhaps a little more patient and understanding when they don't quite live up to our expectations....

Don't you just love "ponderizing"?

D&C 121:45 Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven.

1 comment:

  1. I love that thought.❤ We have really enjoyed ponderizing as a family! We sure love you!! And, we'd love to come play in those leaves...
