Sunday, November 8, 2015

November 8, 2015 - Sunday in Nauvoo

We had a nice surprise this morning as we headed out the door for our morning walk to Church.  There was frost on the ground and the temperature was at a cool 33 degrees!  I had to take a picture or two!

The frosty field outside our little cottage

Some frosty leaves at the Visitor's center

More frosty leaves along the walk

Fall colors and frosty leaves near the wagon depot at 7:15am
Yes, the season is changing, but with the absence of a strong wind, the walk was very nice.  We got to the Church at about 7:25am and we were one of the first to be there, even beating some of the Choir members who had a 7:00am practice.... go figure!

Our shift at the Visitor's center began with opening the building for our Sunday School and Priesthood and Relief Society meetings at 9:30am.  Then, we worked from 11:00am until 2:00pm.  The center was pretty quiet during our shift so we did some work on the upcoming stake missionary dinner.  All the attendance numbers, and the entire activity, is still up in the air with communications within the Stake and the Mission being disconnected.  We are still determined to pull off a good activity, even if the stake takes a backseat to the effort that could directly help their members in sharing the Gospel.

After our shift we walked over and picked up Sister Claudia Goodman and she came to our little cottage for dinner and some talking time.  What a precious lady she is with some wonderful insights about life.  All of our family members who have been to Martin's Cove on the handcart trek, and have personally experienced the Women's Pull, will appreciate this insight....  

As Sister Goodman was telling up some of her challenging experiences with family members, she compared  some of their challenges to the Women's Pull.  When members of our family take the wrong turns in life and make decisions that directly affect eternal consequences, Sister Goodman related those roads being traveled by wayward family members to the Women's Pull.  All we can do for them is look on their struggles, and pray fervently for them to make it to the top of the hill.  When choices are made and family members are struggling, they are, in essence, on their own "Women's Pull"..... 

In the process of using their agency, and working through the consequences of using that agency unwisely, we so desperately want to reach out and help them, even if they don't want our help.  We cannot pull their cart for them when they choose not to accept our help.... but, we never ever give up on them, and we continue to cheer them on as best we can, until they are ready to accept the help of the Gospel...  interesting insights.  

How many urges did we have to jump in and help the women in that struggle up the hill at Martin's Cove???  However, it is important to note that there are some "pulls" in life that can only be done by each one of us individually.  No one else can pass the test for us, we must do it on our own. But, oh how sweet it is to have the love and support from family and friends and leaders even if we don't think we want it or need it at the time!

I know that I will never be the same after witnessing that struggle of some of the best of the best sisters on that trek in 2008, as they passed the men standing on either side of that trail in complete silence, and then seeing them make it successfully to the top of that hill.  What a profound experience that was!

Tonight, we acknowledge that we had a marvelous experience with Sister Goodman and we look forward to many more opportunities to share some time with her over the next 12 months!  There are so many wonderful missionaries serving here with us in Nauvoo! 

1 comment:

  1. Very neat insights. That women's pull was hard. I felt like passing out on the side of the trail. That was sure difficult!
    We LOVE and MISS you!
