Sunday, November 29, 2015

November 29, 2015 - Sunday in Nauvoo

Welcome! Welcome!  Sabbath Morning!  We were up getting ready for the day and ended up driving to the Stake Center for our meetings.  There was rain all through the day and the temperature stayed in the low 40's.  I had the privilege of helping to bless the Sacrament this morning.  Our meeting was very tender with speakers sharing some very personal experiences with us.  So many of the missionaries here have had tremendous health, family and personal challenges that have taken so much courage and faith to overcome.  If fact, there are many missionaries who are still struggling with difficult challenges but are still willing to put their lives in the service of the Master here in the mission field.

Mom and I had the assignment to serve in the Visitors Center after the meetings today.  I had one couple that had just been married four months and they came into the center and watched the new video, "A Savior Is Born", and "Remembering Nauvoo".  As they came out of the movie, and were looking around the Visitors Center, I told them about the sunstone that we had on display from the original Nauvoo Temple, and, in a moment of realization and discovery, they asked me what was so important about the temple.  Oh boy!  I then realized I wasn't talking to newlyweds just married in the temple!  I then had a sweet teaching opportunity of sharing the message of the Restoration with them. 

When you look at the Church video, "A Savior is Born", also watch the 3 minute video, "A Savior is Born - Animated".  It tells precisely why there is a need for a Savior and it fit so well into my discussion about the Plan of Salvation.  I took our discussion back into the theater to show this video!  By the way, this new video is powerful and needs to be watched several times by everyone who might possibly be interested in "discovering why" there is such a need for a Savior and why there is such a need for the Restored Gospel  in all of our lives.  It will also firmly reinforce what we know to be true!

Tonight, we had our Zone Conference, and our mission president shared experiences he has had with each member of the First Presidency and several members of the Quorum of the Twelve when he was serving as a member of the 2nd Quorum of Seventy.  Now, that was fascinating information as he told each short story about one or two instances he had as he was on assignment with them throughout the world.  Here are some of those special stories;

As a missionary to Holland, he was called and set apart by a member of the Quorum of the Twelve.  Back then, that is how calls were made.  His calling and setting apart was done by Elder Hinckley who had been a General Authority for about 30 days.  He set President Gibbons apart and in the blessing he stated that there will be days with clouds, but to remember that the sun will come out....

With President Monson;  they spent an entire day and evening training and teaching in a Stake Conference Leadership meeting in Las Vegas.  They worked hard until 9:00pm.  He said that he and his wife decided to take the balance of the evening and look at a collection of artwork in an adjoining hotel.  The next morning, as they were talking with President Monson they found out that he had spent the balance of his evening visiting in a local assisted living center.  President Gibbons learned that day that we need to spend our time with things that matter the most.

He was with President Packer when he learned that "fame and fortune are overrated".... and from President Uchtdorf, the Elder Uchtdorf, "don't hesitate as a leading authority to correct if needed, but do it kindly".... and from President Eyring; then Elder Eyring, "following the Spirit is sometimes more important than following the Handbook.  This was in reference to calling a Stake President who was fully qualified and worthy but who had overcome a serious transgression in his earlier life.  They called then President Packer and explained the situation.  President Packer did not ask for clarification on the transgression, but simply asked, "how do you feel".  They moved ahead and issued the call.

And once with Elder Hales; he was on a rare trip to the golf course with Elder Hales.  President Gibbons absolutely loves golf and on this particular day, he knew Elder Hales had huge responsibilities, and he did not want to slow the game down because of his concern for Elder Hales time.  Well, as fate would have it they got behind a group of two young men who were having a tough time moving the ball ahead.... they would hit a ball and then take time to find it, and that was driving President Gibbons crazy.  He kept asking himself why they didn't just let them play through???  

Well, they FINALLY signaled them to play through, and, as Elder Hales passed them, he invited them to join their group.  This really frustrated President Gibbons as they worked their way through the last five holes!  As President Gibbons was putting his golf clubs away, one of the young men came up to him and asked if he was Elder Hales.  The young man told him that he was a returned missionary, but that he had lost his way when he returned from his mission, and wondered if they could talk for a minute.  President Gibbons said yes immediately, and then said he would get Elder Hales and they would talk. 

The lesson learned that day was that you can't separate your hobbies, your family or your work or any special interest with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  You may be needed on the 14th hole of the golf course to help set a wayward soul back on track!

There was a lot of great instruction today and we feel the reinforced blessings of being here serving together at this time.  Thank you for checking in with us!  We love serving together and especially love the learning processes we are going through to strengthen our resolve to be better and to do better in our assignments.