Saturday, November 7, 2015

November 7, 2015 - Saturday in Nauvoo

It was a beautiful crisp morning in Nauvoo this morning.  The temperatures were in the high 30's as we left for our morning walk at 5:50am.  Without any wind this morning, it was such a great morning to walk our set, 3.5 mile, path around the city.  I also got to rehearse my lines for the Editor as we were enjoying the walk.  I practice those lines every day but Sunday!  The walk gives me a great opportunity to review in my mind the emphasis that I can make at certain key points of the Play.  Hopefully, I can do a good job on the part when you come to visit!

Look at this picture I took this afternoon as we were walking to the Visitor's Center to begin our shift at 1:00pm:

Nauvoo Temple protected by pillow clouds!
By the time we left home for our shift at the Visitor's Center, the temperature was in the low 50's.  It was a marvelous walk to our assignment!  The Visitor's Center was pretty active today.  We had several groups in town from outlying areas for temple sessions.  It is always fun to help them get organized for the balance of their day here.  

One youth group was from St. Louis and they had about 3 hours to spend before they had to be heading back home. We got them started on a movie and then helped them get to various sites in Nauvoo to enjoy the feelings that can only be experienced here!  Things started quieting down after 5:00pm with the Rendezvous Play scheduled for 5:30pm tonight.  This was not our night, but the tickets went pretty fast and we had about 90 folks planning to attend.

Our last guests were a missionary couple from Kaysville, Utah, heading for the Indianapolis, Indiana Mission to assist in the Institute program.  I think they were going out for 18 months and they had just left the MTC Wednesday afternoon.  They have 12 grandchildren, and one granddaughter, who is six years old, begged them "not to go".  They were struggling with family separation anxiety.  

Who better to help them cope than the Lasher's who knew exactly how they were feeling??  But one step better, their mission president is Steve Cleveland.  He was one of the Young Single Adults in Fresno when I was first getting involved in the Church with my sister, Jackie's, encouragement!  Jackie, is that pretty amazing?  I did not know that he had been called as a mission president, did you?

We love you and we thank you for all your love and support.  We are just about to hit nine months in the Nauvoo Mission field, and it has been one year since we moved out of our home!  Time marches on!

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully picture of the temple! And such a small world! We sure miss you guys!
