Tuesday, November 24, 2015

November 24, 2015 - Tuesday in Nauvoo

This morning we woke up to 30 degree temperatures and the promise of a mild Fall day.  We had our morning devotional and prayers and then our wonderful walk around Nauvoo.  Of course, I got in my rehearsal session as well for the Editor.  I really enjoy that review time because it helps to build my confidence in my stage production!  I did get a great morning picture during our walk.... see what you think;

Look!  Here comes the sun!
Today, mom and I served at the Brigham Young Home until 2:00pm.  I usually don't get to be in that home but it is always interesting.  I took a picture of some of the China dishware that was uncovered during the restoration process in the 1960's.  This is displayed inb the dining room of the Brigham Young Home;

Damaged China place setting

A complete setting for six

A nearly perfect restored plate
This is one of the most fascinating concepts here in the Brigham Young Home.  The China plates were found during the excavation process back in the mid 1960's.  There were literally fragments and pieces of these place settings buried under the root cellar.  A missionary named John Dalton was serving here in 1994-1995.  He was a potter by trade, and came here on a mission, and was excited to repair these priceless pieces.  

Well, as you can imagine, he discovered during the reconstruction process that the plates represent our lives and how the Atonement is so needed for each of us.  You see, he was able to take a broken plate, much like the Atonement can take a broken and sinful disciple, and help make him whole again.  

The first plate pictured is the example of our sinful and broken lives.  As you go around the table, in the 2nd picture, you will see the various plates in graduated steps of restoration.  Then, the last picture shows the fully restored plate.  

Can you see any lines denoting breakage in that last picture?? .... Nope, it is not there, and that is really how the Savior works in our lives if we let Him.  The key component is that He is there waiting for us, no matter what we have done, to help bring us back into our perfect selves, much like our precious Macie and Faith and Wyatt, my sister's first grandchild!!  Yes, it can be done if we just make the effort to repent of all of our sins and press forward with faith.... nothing wavering.  He is there for us and we can all be made whole again!

Let's go back to that sunrise this morning.  Every day represents a new opportunity to repent and bring new hope to our lives.  It doesn't matter what the world is doing if we can just realize who we are and whose we can become!

Here is another picture that shows the season we are in.  At this time, each year, the oxen are driven one last time and then put out to pasture for the Winter.  This was fun to watch and there were at least 3 separate rides today.  The oxen were the preferred teams to take the Saints to the Rocky Mountains in the 1840's.  They ate the prairie grasses and walked at the same speed as the Saints.  A big benefit was the Indians were not interested in taking these animals from the pioneers, but they did like to target the horses!

A team of oxen and a family exploring Nauvoo!
 Tonight, mom and I attended the 6:00pm temple session.  The temple just reopened after a two week recess and we were anxious to get back there.  And yes,  we filled up the prayer rolls with family and friends!  And mom and I  were even able to stay awake most of the time!  Then, on our walk back home, I caught this picture of the full moon over Nauvoo;

These pictures were taken about 8:15pm

Here comes an opening in the clouds

This cast a nice light on our walk home

A Nauvoo Fall setting
We have had a busy day and we are grateful for the Gospel in our lives.  It is somewhat amazing that this will be our second Thanksgiving away from our precious family and friends.  We received our family picture, yesterday, that is absolutely wonderful to look at every chance we get, and we have received cards from friends that have deeply touched our hearts.  Thank you so much for your love and your prayers.  We love each of you and miss you and will be praying for each of you during this absolutely wonderful time of year!

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