Sunday, November 22, 2015

November 22, 2015 - Sunday in Nauvoo

On this Sabbath Day, we were ready to begin the day early.  Mom and I had our devotional and prayers done by 6:30am.  I had the privilege to help set-up the Sacrament this morning.  We got there at the Stake center by 7:00am after walking over from the house.  It was about 21 degrees this morning with very little wind.  I still wore my heavy overcoat and my ears were the only part of my body to suffer a little.  When we got home this afternoon, I quickly found my ear muffs and they are now readily available!

Our Sacrament meeting went well this morning.  I picked up an insight on "stiff neckedness".... have you ever thought of someone who is "stiff necked" as one who doesn't look right, or left.  Up or down? 

That picture caught my attention.  One who is "stiff necked" will not look up and acknowledge God's Hand in their lives, will not look down to worship Heavenly Father, and will not look to the right or to the left on the issues they face.  They look straight ahead and "self" center their thoughts and their words and their actions.

I can't help but think that perhaps I have had that "stiff neck" attitude at times.  At least I do not want to continue down that path knowing that "this is the time to prepare to meet God", and that; as Alma taught in Chapter 12 verse 14,... "our words will condemn us, yea, all our works will condemn us; we shall not be found spotless; and our thoughts will also condemn us; and in this awful state we shall not dare to look up to our God; and we would fain be glad if we could command the rocks and the mountains to fall upon us to hide us from his presence."

What I want is a very flexible neck!  

The balance of the afternoon was spent relaxing and writing up the final thoughts on our missionary dinner activity.  Mom gets so uptight about these activities, but having worked the deli, we have found out that getting too anxious about catering for 150 or so people kind of takes your energy away from making the activity as perfect as possible.  Do any of you remember our first big catering job at BYU-Idaho for the 7th Stake presidency and high council??  I thought that I would never survive that first effort, but Jared and Tom showed me how to do hard things easily!  Thank you guys for being patient with me!

One more thought for the day.  Every time mom and I have our favorite breakfast for dinner, I think about my Nana.  There was not a kinder or more loving lady in my growing up years than my mom and my Nana.  Nana was my dad's mom and she loved my dad very much.  I can't imagine the pain she went through when my dad died suddenly while working his shift at the fire department on that Easter Sunday 1953.  She always gave me special attention and was especially kind to me during my pre teen and teen age years.  I knew that I would always find refuge in her home and looked forward to those visits two or three times a year while living in the mountains.  She would made her famous "Chess Pies" for our birthdays - a treat in the shape of a cupcake made out of what I remember as a pecan pie filling.  She also introduced me to peanut butter on pancakes with maple syrup.  I later improved the recipe with a generous serving of whipped cream on top.  I can't help but think that she must be so proud of me improving that meal in such a simple and dignified way...

When Granny and Grandpa get home, I am hoping to spend time with any grandchild that would like to know more about their ancestors that I grew up with.  Grandma Howard, (the hat lady with the best feather tick bed),  Daddy Jack (one of my heroes), Nana (another hero and elect lady), Grandpa Sykes (I played football for him!), Granny 1 (another hero and elect lady), Uncle Earl, (baseball pitcher), Uncle Doyle, (yachtsman), Aunt Beverly, Uncle Lynn, Aunt Gerry...  so many others!!   Family History time!!!  Are you excited to learn about what and who made Grandpa, well... Grandpa?  So many contributed to my life!

Thank you for checking in with me tonight!  We love you!!


  1. Tom remembers the catering well! ☺We love the " improvement" you made on Nana's pancake toppings! I'll never see a can of whipped cream and not think of you.❤ We are excited to hear more stories about our progenitors! I love you!

  2. Family history is fascinating! It's so fun to learn about past family members! We are in!
