This is our second week of having our P-day on Monday. We took advantage of the day by making an appointment in Quincy for winterizing the Honda. Of course, any chance to take a little road trip to Quincy and visit the bigger city is a treat for us!
The morning started off a little slow. I spent a little more time last night on this blog, last night, and got to bed at about 10:45pm. My usual goal is being in bed by 10:00pm, so I missed it by 45 minutes. Sooooo, I ended up, "rising and shining", at 6:00am this morning. It was cold and raining this morning, so we hesitated to take our walk. But after our morning prayers and devotional, we decided to go. The air was clean and fresh, but it was cold and rainy so we only went the shorter route and got back to the house at around 7:30am.
We then got ourselves ready for our trip to Quincy, and we were on the road by 9:15am. The day was wet and cold, but we had a nice time driving to Quincy, getting the car serviced, and then stopping by the local mall, and then Sam's Club. We then went into Keokuk for some additional items and we got back home by 3:30pm. It has been a fun day.
When I played the Vignette of "Pa" this summer, I had the privilege of working with one, of the many, fine Young Performing Missionaries, Elder Rosenberg. I have spoken about him before in the blog, but I mention here now that he is currently serving his full time mission in Italy, and I get his weekly email home. Here is an excerpt from his letter I received today;
Merry Christmas! Now that thanksgiving is over, I can say that. This has been the week of service! And rain... A lot of rain. But really, oh how glorious service truly is! To lose yourself and find joy, to share with others. Love ittttt. The ever studly Elder Richard L. Evans once said, “We can’t do everything for everyone everywhere, but we can do something for someone somewhere.” So true! Lift where you stand. You can't change the entire world but you can change someone's world. So don't wait, don't By small and simple means are great things brought to pass. Do your part, and you will see a difference. As a great lyricist of our time once counseled, We're All In This Together! Or... Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together. (D&C 50:22)
I thoroughly enjoy receiving his letters, don't you agree?.... He seems to be having the time of his life at a time when his life is filled with change! When he writes these letters with the pure intent to motivate and encourage us back here at home, I am impressed, and grateful, that we had our paths cross this summer!
You see, I could have said, no thanks, to the Vignette. I had less than 5% confidence that I could memorize those lines, and the challenge to do so was unnerving to me. Slowly, the lines came with patient mentoring by my eternal companion. But on the first few nights where I missed a line, it was frustrating. But with the love and encouragement from mom and others, I could do a half decent "Pa"!
Now, with that said, what a blessing it has been to further these fragile talents with learning "the Editor" part, and, to be able to follow Elder Rosenberg in his quest to be the best missionary possible. What I have learned from this is to NOT say no to a challenging role in building up the Kingdom.
In fact, I can do more in preparation to be ever ready to say, YES, when the opportunities come my way. To my grandchildren....., it is OK to get out of your comfort zones! You will never know what the Lord can do with you, unless you trust Him all along the way! Look at Grandpa.... here is a man who could always help in building a stage, and now here he is performing on that stage! Wow! So many tender mercies....