Tuesday, September 8, 2015

September 8, 2015 - Tuesday in Nauvoo

We had a nice surprise this morning as we prepared to walk out the door for our morning walk... it had rained!  This is the first rain in several weeks so it was nice to see.  But it was very humid!  I was soaking wet by the time we got back to the house! ... and it wasn't from the rain....

Our morning devotional and prayers are much needed in our lives.  We have been able to read together every day in the Book of Mormon.  And just this morning, I finished the Doctrine and Covenants and will begin the Old Testament again tomorrow....  

Mom and I had a different shift again today.  She worked early, (9:45am-3:00pm), at the Lucy Mack Smith house, and I worked the late shift, (11:45-5:00pm), at the Family Living Center.  It was a good day for both of us.  The hours at the sites changed today for the next eight months.  They will all open at 10:00am and close at 5:00pm.

Fall is in the air in Nauvoo!
I had to take this picture, during our morning walk, of a tree turning colors in the middle of the field by the Nauvoo Visitors Center.  Looks like we will be in the full swing of the Fall colors here in the next few weeks!  Even tonight, the air was cooling down into the low 70's as we finished up the Rendezvous Play.

Today was another "first" that mom and I missed with some of our grandchildren.  Both Landon and Anna started pre-school!  I wanted to get their reaction in their own words so here they are:  Landon, "I wish I could live at preschool, and I wish we could do 'astronaut' day every day".  His mom said he was pretty excited!  And I actually spoke with Anna tonight and she said, "it was 'super cool!"...  Precious grandchildren!  We love them and miss them so very much!!  

Thank you for checking in with us tonight!  We appreciate your support and your prayers!

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