Wednesday, September 16, 2015

September 16, 2015 - Wednesday in Nauvoo

We got to bed late last night from the lecture series with Susan Easton Black and then up early this morning for our P-day and our weekly mission training meeting at the Visitors Center.  That meeting started at 7:30am this morning so that makes for a perfect combination for a nap, which I took this afternoon.

Our morning walk was eliminated to get to the meeting on time.  We drove to the Visitors center and then over to the temple for the 9:00am temple session.  The session was nearly full, but it is always a great way to spend part of our P-day each week.  After the session we went home to change and check the laundry.  We discovered the dryer went out so we have some laundry hanging on chairs and counter tops hoping they will dry by tomorrow.  We had fun doing our grocery shopping in Keokuk and really enjoyed driving only 24 miles round trip!  At this rate we will stretch our tank of gas for the entire month of September!

When we got home from grocery shopping we had dinner together and then took a walk to Main Street in Nauvoo.  It is actually Mulholland Street, but there are a few shops and we found some boxed cards and an apron for mom.  I also found this on a poster board;
"Trust in His timing
Wait for His answer
And believe in Miracles"
Great advise that came home to us when we all listened to a Glenn Rawson broadcast several years ago and we needed to hear this choice advice! 

I went solo to the Rendezvous Play tonight performed by another cast.  I just wanted to see Elder Hansen perform in his cast as the Editor.  I feel more confident when I see the way each Editor performs his role.  My countdown to Friday is fast approaching and I just need to get my first performance under my belt.

When I played the "Pa" part this summer, I got to know the young performing missionary, Elder Rosenberg pretty well.  While he was out here in Nauvoo serving a summer performing mission, he received his full time mission call to Italy.  I got my second weekly email from him this week and just wanted to quote something he stated;

  "My main Italian man, Leonardo da Vinci, once said that inside every ugly, fat hunk of granite is a beautiful sculpture (That's an exact quotation). We are that hunk of granite. I am that fat hunk of granite. The Lord simply chips away the unnecessary parts of us to reveal who we truly are. When we give all that we have, we gain all that He hath. Just as water doesn't boil til 212 degrees, miracles don't happen with 90% of our effort. Its a little bit like track, you've got to do something you've never done before, to get something you've never gotten before. Ball out. Go hard."
He is growing in the MTC and will be a great missionary!  I am inspired by his insight here!

Mom and I had a great day together and enjoyed our time with each other.  Aside from the dryer going out, we have had a fun time together!  Thank you for joining us tonight! 

1 comment:

  1. I liked what that missionary had to say. So fun that you are keeping in touch with him!
