Friday, September 25, 2015

September 25, 2015 - Friday in Nauvoo

Rendezvous Night #2 is done.  I just completed my 2nd performance and felt pretty good about it.  Now that is a little unnerving.... to feel good about being in a play?  Remember, I don't sing or dance or act, but this really felt good tonight.  I think our entire cast was in the groove and it seemed to me to be a good effort on everyone's part! 

What was most interesting was the prayer that mom offered before our play.  We always have a prayer before our major roles, but this evening we prayed with the Knapp's, who were debuting tonight, and asked for specific help for both senior couples in remembering our lines.  Both mom and I related afterwards that our lines came prominently into our minds at the exact time we were to deliver them.  I had such a clear picture in my mind of the play, its significance, and the  points to emphasize, that I was able to deliver them with confidence.  The power of prayer is real and the Lord will bless us even in the process of learning the foreign language of "theater"!

Mom and I had our usual good morning wake up with our devotional, prayers and walk.  It was such a pleasant morning as we walked around the flats.  There was a light fog on the grasses and deer running through the grass.  That was fun to see!  Then, we had a full moon tonight as we were walking home from Rendezvous, so the day also ended on a wonderfully positive note as well!

Yesterday, I heard from one of my former employees at Longs.  Debbie did a wonderful job for me at the Fremont, Warm Springs store and she was such a faithful employee.  Well, she found out that CVS was transferring her to another store against her will.  I was sad for her because she always gave me 100% and I don't think she knew any different with CVS on how to give a full 100%.  I appreciated her keeping me informed as she was one of the last remaining employees from my manager days back in 2002, at that store.

Service site for mom today
Mom had her shift assignment at the Heber C. Kimball home.  She worked a split shift from 9:45am to 12:00, and 2:30pm to 5:00pm.  I worked at the Blacksmith shop from 12:00 to 5:00pm.  We had a few guests come into the sites but it was a pretty slow day overall.  I did meet a man who had lived in Fresno, California about the same time I did back in 1974.  But that was about the only excitement I had today, and he didn't know anyone that I knew so we had no connections.

We did find out that our request to have Conference weekend off was approved!  We were very happy with the ability to watch all sessions of conference as they are broadcast!  Yea!  That was great news for us!

Thank you for checking in with us tonight!

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