Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 10, 2015 - Thursday in Nauvoo

We had a great day here in Nauvoo today.  It was a typical start to the day with our morning devotional and our 45 minute walk around the Nauvoo flats.  The temperature was a little cooler this morning at around 65 degrees, and very pleasant.

Mom and I had different shifts again today.  She worked at the Printing Office from 9:45am to 3:00pm and I worked at the Brick-yard from 11:45am to 5:00pm.  Here she is!

The Printing shop lady!
I stayed in my jogging clothes as I walked her to her site and then came back and mowed the lawn.  It looked like a quick and easy job until I started the project and noticed some needs at the temple missionary's house next door.  It took me over an hour to get the right cut on the lawn with my cross-cut "coliseum" cut!  But I got it done!  And by that time, I was soaking wet all the way to the skin.  When I came in to take my shower, I noticed that I had less than 45 minutes to get ready, eat lunch and get to the Brick-yard!  I was a few minutes late, but I sure felt a since of accomplishment!

As I was starting to get the processes going at the Brick-yard, I had a surprise visit by Jim and Marjean Parker!  It was so good to see them today!  I walked down with them to the Printing Office and we visited together with mom.  Since I got off at 5:00pm, we made arrangements to get together for a tour of Carthage and dinner.  

What special memories we share together!

Here we are at the Printing Office on Main Street in Nauvoo with the Parker's.  They both looked so good and we had so much to talk about!  We made arrangements to have dinner together and take a tour of the Carthage Jail.  I got off at 5:00pm and picked them up at their camp in the Nauvoo State Park and we spent a wonderful evening together.

On our way back from Carthage, we had to take this picture of these clouds.  The formation and the magnitude of their appearance is breathtaking!

Cloud formation just prior to a lightening show compliments of the Celestial Heavens!

Mom and I had a wonderful day.  You just don't appreciate friendships and experiences as much as possible without keeping in touch with those you had the friendships and experiences with.  It just reminds me how important it is to just pick up the phone, and call a friend, and just say hello.  Then, let the conversation drift back to marvelous and sometimes sacred experiences together.... More often than not, we then realize how important these friendships have been in our eternal quest to return to our Heavenly Home.

Thank you Jim and Marjean for making the time to come and "say hello"!  You made our day today!