Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 3, 2015 - Thursday in Nauvoo

Happy Birthday to my sweetheart and eternal companion!  And we were able to be together throughout the day to celebrate this special occasion together.  We were so happy to hear from family and friends today that helped make mom's day extra special.  Thank you!

We began the day early this morning with our morning devotional and prayers.  Then we took our three mile walk around Nauvoo.  It was a beautiful morning and a warm start to the day.  We hit 91 degrees as we came in from our work shift at 5:30pm.  But we had a great day together.

Our work schedule today took us to the Nauvoo Visitors Center where we served for the first time.  Our shift began at 12 noon and we were off at 5:15pm.  It was a very pleasant walk, (and a little warm), over to the Visitors Center and back.  However, it is interesting to note the difference in the feelings between the  Carthage Visitors Center and the Nauvoo Visitors Center.  

Here in Nauvoo Visitors Center is so much bigger, and the feeling is more of a festive atmosphere where the Saints were given a few wonderful years of reprieve from persecutions and mob violence.  It was just enough time to regroup and prepare for their next exodus from the City Beautiful. On the other hand, Carthage was such a sacred place from the first day we arrived.  Joseph and Hyrum were brought there to ultimately seal their testimonies with their blood.  I soon found out, today, that the difference is striking.  

I was also made quite aware of some of the impressions our fellow missionaries have of mom and I.  There have been so many wonderful and warm feelings generated here and then there are some rather cold and indifferent feelings that seems to persist.  Such a contrast coming from what is supposed to be a Zion society.  And I know that we are all working on personally improvement so this really hits home to me.  But we love serving here together and it is a challenge to break down these feelings that the Adversary thrives on!

As a side note, may I just suggest that we treat each other, how we would like them to treat us. When we reach out with kindness and sincere warmth, what a difference that makes!  I know I have a long way to go so, as President Uchtdorf suggests, "Lord is it I?"  Very good advise, plus, it makes it so much sweeter when sincere and cordial relationships develop in such a place as Nauvoo and Carthage!

Here is something that my precious granddaughter shared with us tonight in a text message.  I am using her exact words to forever affix it in my blog and in my memory;

" a couple of days ago I was praying and after I finished I decided I should pray to tell Heavenly Father how thankful I am for all that He's done for us.  When I finished I seriously felt like someone was hugging me!  Then I got an image in my head of me hugging Heavenly Father.  It was so cool!!!!!!!  I'm so thankful for that.  I love you!!!"

What a precious experience for a precious 12 year old to have!  I am so very thankful that she was willing to share that with us and for her giving me permission to make a permanent record of it here!

In addition, mom had an older couple come into the Visitors Center today and she was the first to greet them.  She sat and talked with the wife while the man was speaking to some of the other missionaries.  In the course of the conversation she found out that their last name was Dorsey, (that is mom's maiden name), and that they were from Nicholas County, West Virginia!  That is where mom's father, PopPop was from.  The fun part was that they were baptized a few years ago and that they were somehow related.  Mom was so excited to know that there are more Dorsey's that have found the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Today has been a great day for us as we have enjoyed being able to work together again.  We heard from all the kids and that is why we are serving out in the mission field, to strengthen our precious family bonds! 

Thank you for your love and prayers in our behalf!


  1. That's so awesome that mom found a relative! So exciting! Hang in there.... there has to be an opposition in all things.... for if we know no sorrow/pain then we would know no joy! People will be rude.... but the best advice for me is to let it go :) :) You guys are amazing and I am so proud of the both of you!!! I love and miss you guys so much!

  2. Happy Happy Birthday to Mom!!!
    What could you two have possibly done to have missionaries act that way toward you?? Crazy how people are!!
    We had Cambry share that experience with our family after scripture study the other night and she started crying while telling it. So sweet! Love the spirit!
