Sunday, September 6, 2015

September 6, 2015 - Sunday in Nauvoo

Both mom and I look forward to Sunday's.  It gives us the opportunity to fast from eating food, and to renew sacred covenants with our Father in Heaven.  Today was a wonderful day as we were able to prepare ourselves by calling upon our Heavenly Father in our morning prayers and devotional.  We walked to the Stake Center, and the morning air was warm and very humid.  I was pretty wet as we arrived at the building, but soon was able to cool off.  Wearing a suit on a warm and humid day does have its downside!

I was given the privilege of helping to pass the Sacrament this morning with seven other Elders.  What a blessing it is to participate in these sacred ordinances!  This was our fast and testimony meeting today, and many of the missionaries heading home this month took the opportunity to share their final testimonies here in the mission field in a Sacrament meeting.

As President Gibbons mentioned in his testimony this morning, "we don't teach religion, we teach restored truth".  I hadn't quite heard it put that way before but I had to make a note of it!

Then, mom and I served together in the Brick-yard.  This was mom's first time doing this and she picked up right away on the presentation.  She listened to me twice and read up on the material in the site book and then jumped right in as noted here! -

The Brick-makers trade as presented by Sister Lasher!
That precious little girl was fast asleep before she came into the room!  Her slumber had absolutely nothing to do with the presentation!  I am a witness to that!  Mom did a great job!

Later this evening we had our monthly Zone Conference.  President Gibbons led the training and spoke at length about following the Prophets.  He has served along side the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve and has some wonderful experiences with them.  He shared a few to emphasize that they are Godly men who have been called to serve as Prophets, Seers, and Revelators.  It was an inspiring presentation, and then he gave tribute to the single sister missionaries. 

At the end of the presentation, the married and single older sister missionaries sang their "joyful" song to the young single sister missionaries.  The older sisters all wore white shirts as part of the song for the outbound sister missionaries.  A lot of attention and encouragement is given to these young sister missionaries and I think they love it!  Look at this precious group of missionaries both young and old!

Older sister missionaries singing to the departing young sister missionaries.

Have you found Granny yet?

One more chance to pick out mom and Granny!

The young sister missionaries

Happy girl - grateful to be part of the show!

Mom and I had a wonderful walk home after the Zone Conference, and now we are ready to begin the new week!  We have been armed and inspired to go forward this week and be better and do better!  

And, oh, by the way, my debut as the Editor has been delayed by one of the senior missionary Elder's in our cast who has requested to continue playing the part of the Editor.  I am ready when the nod comes my way, but I know that we have a very kind director who wants to make sure these kinds of requests are honored.  I can be patient!




  1. Here's to a wonderful week! We sure love you guys! You two are amazing!
