Wednesday, May 9, 2018

9 May 2018 - Wednesday

9 May 2018 - Wednesday

Today, mom and I were involved with a school group from Casper.  They were a class of 3rd graders ranging in age from 8 years to 10 years old.  As part of the State of Wyoming emphasis on history, these groups come from all over Wyoming to be exposed to the National Historic Trails that include the Pony Express trail, the Oregon Trail, the California trail and the Mormon trail.  Mom and I shadowed the senior missionary today and I am looking forward to leading a group in the future.  Here is a picture of the class this morning;

The class being divided into small groups for the tour.
Here is mom in the wood shop burning the handcart image on wood pieces
Having the opportunity to work with these school children for the first time today was fun.  We had to be extra careful about mentioning anything about religion.  And we received countless warnings to not be alone with the children.  I could not help but feel how grateful I am for a living Prophet who is leading the charge of ministering to each other.  

Satan is in a huge tug-of-war with each of us to choose good or to choose evil.  We heard a story yesterday about two women who were biking a mountain trail together.  One was about 30 yards ahead when a mountain lion came charging from the side of the trail and grabbed her by the shoulder and head and knocked her off the bike.  The lion then proceeded to drag the dazed women off the trail into the woods.  

When her friend saw what was happening, she quickly grabbed the legs of her friend and got into that tug-of-war with the lion.  In this fortunate case, the lion lost this round, and ran off into the woods, and the woman survived the attack with minimal damage.  Later that day, they found another hiker in that same part of the woods that was not so lucky and lost his life.

The obvious question is would you do that for a friend?  Would you risk your life to save and rescue another in such an attack?  How about this, in such a situation, would you send your son?  And then we remember, Heavenly Father sent His Son to rescue us.  We are taught very well that the first commandment is to love God, and the second is like unto the first, to love thy neighbor as thyself.  

That sure helps me understand so much better the great need to help each other through these difficult times.  Then, we think about the story of Jens (Tom), and Elsie (Josie), in her struggle to pull her husband in that handcart, desperate to preserve his life.  I can just imagine how Jens, (Tom), felt.  There had to be a feeling of absolute helplessness and what a humbling experience it had to have been for him.  Then for Elsie, (Josie), what a feeling of relief and a surge of love for her rescuer's!

Thank goodness for willing rescuer's in our lives!  It may be a kind word, an act of service, an unexpected note of love or appreciation, a homemade treat or even an unexpected visit.  But even if we don't see these kinds of hints of appreciation, know that mom and I love you soooooooo much!!

After we got home this afternoon, Sister Hansen came over to do some hair cutting.  Both mom and I needed a cut, and she was so kind and willing to help us!  We had a nice time talking during the cutting session, and now my hats will fit so much better!  Here is mom's picture in the middle of the process;

Sister Hansen working her talent on mom
Mom had her hair cut really short and in a Pixie style.  She has wanted to try this cut for some time and it looks really good on her.  And mom likes my cut, too, so we are ready for the treks to begin in style!  We will be trekking the Martin's Cove six miles tomorrow and mom's ankle is feeling strong!


  1. So where's the picture of your finished hair cuts?? ๐Ÿ˜ I love your insights!! ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’•

  2. Yes! We need after pictures of the haircuts!

    So glad mom's ankle feels strong! We are praying for her!!

    And it really is amazing what a kind word can do for someone! ๐Ÿ’œ

  3. Thank you for those insights and testimony๐Ÿ’—. I love reading of your thoughts and experiences!

  4. WHAT?!? You can’t say mom got a pixie cut and not post pictures! Silly dad! I’m curious about yours also since you said your hats will fit better. Ok waiting for pictures!! ❤️
