Friday, May 11, 2018

11 May 2018 - Friday

11 May 2018 - Friday

As the month of May continues, the efforts to get us ready for the trek groups intensifies!  Mom and I will be on one or two treks each week walking with the different groups. And once or twice, on other days each week, we will be in their camp, hosting their arrival and helping them stay organized and on time for their trek activities.  This will be a most exciting time for us!  We are looking forward to the groups coming in and helping them to get the most out of this sacred experience.

Check out the head gear!
Bob will notice the Canada jacket in this picture, but will any of you recognize the head gear?  With my super hair, cut mom has allowed  me to wear a baseball type cap!  Only this cap has the Martin's Cove logo on it and it is a good fit!  

See the square piece of blank wood by the wood burning tool?

Here is the burned piece of wood that I just created
One of my projects today was burning these wooden pieces that will be hung on some yarn as a souvenir from Martin's Cove.  We have been told that there will be about 20,000 trekkers here this summer, so we have been asked to pick up the production side of our efforts to make these souvenirs!  Mom was working in another room putting the yarn on these pieces.  I also helped get some benches ready for repairs and painting with two other Elders.  The rain has slowed down that project.  

It has been a quieter day with the rain falling most of the day.  We definitely needed our rain gear for the few projects we had outside.  But for the most part we stayed inside.  Mom and I got home around 5:00pm tonight.  We had a district meeting that began with a cleaning project in one of the buildings, and then a training session on being Camp Hosts for the trek groups this summer.  There is so much we need to learn, and the Memorial Day weekend begins the busy season.

My thought tonight centers around quiet time.  We are surrounded by the almost overwhelming sound of silence.  This countryside is so peaceful and quiet and the events that took place here are very sacred.  Heavenly Father has so much to teach us that we sometimes don't let the quiet times come.  I have learned today that it is better to be quiet and listen for that still small voice rather than listening to my own voice.  We all want to fit in to the current conversations, but having that communication with the spirit will actually help us on our journey home, and is essential to our eternal progress.


  1. I love your thought on quiet time. It seems like the world and life have gotten SO loud and demanding these days. I'm going to make a more conscious, concerted effort to better incorporate quiet time in my life and my children's lives!! Thanks for sharing! ❤️😘

  2. Love your thought!!

    And I totally remember that jacket! Those souvenirs are fun!!

  3. Hi, Grandpa! It’s Anna. I love you!!!!!!!!!!!😘😘😘😍😍😁😄😘😬
