Saturday, May 26, 2018

26 May 2018 - Saturday

26 May 2018 - Saturday

Here we are on a Saturday of the Memorial Day weekend.  We were up for our P-day that began with our morning prayers and scripture reading.  Without the service of so many our our military service veterans, and the ultimate sacrifice of so many of them, we would not have this Memorial Day.  I feel so indebted to them for putting their lives on the line to defend our country and protect our freedoms.  And I can't help but feel their pain and suffering from seeing all those who take these freedoms, and this country, for granted, and trample on them.  

In my opinion, setting apart Memorial Day for a time to honor these men and women is exactly what would help us reunite as a nation.  It is not the best focus, today, on the sales, the barbecues, and the beginning of summer.  Does anyone else feel the dilution of this day as a time to reflect on, and honor,  these men and women?  I am grateful for Granny's service and contributions she has made from her service!

The traffic to Casper this morning for our weekly shopping trip was very light.  Even Sam's Club and Wal-Mart had fewer shoppers.  However, the price of gasoline was true to its inflated pricing for this holiday of remembrance!  We had a safe trip, and returned home for a quiet, and reflective, afternoon here in Missionary Village.  When we drove in around 1:00pm, we were the only missionaries here.  In total, there are about 15 senior couples who are spending the summer here.  I noticed that there were several tent campers here this afternoon as well.  There is a lot of room for campers and motor-homes in this village.

The temperatures, this morning, were in the mid 40's.  My three mile walk was invigorating.  And the antelope are started to give birth to their babies.  I have been on the lookout for the newborns without success, but one of the senior couples saw a family in the distance this morning.  When I can, I will get those pictures, and post them here.  This afternoon the wind picked up and the temperatures approached 80 degrees, but that did not stop me from finding a shady spot near the Pavilion and wash the car.  Mom did the vacuuming and some of the interior detailing.  It is always better to have a clean car!

We hope you are having a marvelous day!  We love you!


  1. Sounds like a nice relaxing day! I love those kind of days!!

  2. Sounds like a great day! Nice and relaxing! ♥
