Monday, May 21, 2018

21 May 2018 - Monday - Adam Daniel Jones Lasher has arrived!

21 May 2018 - Monday

Just as I was sitting down to begin this blog post, we got word that Mary and Bob announced the arrival of our newest grandson, Adam Daniel Jones Lasher!  He made his debut healthy and strong, weighing in at 9 pounds, and 20.5 inches long.  We are delighted that both Adam and Mary are reported to be doing great.  Congratulations Granny!  I just woke her up with the great news!

Granny and I are home after an especially busy day of mowing the lawns at the Homestead.  I first started weed wacking the side patches of lawn after the main area was mowed.  After about 30 minutes the trimmer line for the machine came out of the housing and stopped my progress.  The equipment we are using is pretty well worn, so I grabbed an additional mower to help, and that machine was not cooperative at all.  I was using all my energy to get it to move forward when I noticed that the transmission was not working.  For all my physical exertions, I must have lost 10 pounds!

As I was relaxing after lunch watching mom assemble medallions for the children who come this summer, I got a call from Elder Tuescher on the radio.   He wanted me to climb Devil's Gate with him.  My mind said, are you crazy?  But my adventurous side said go for it.  The grand-kids will love the pictures.  So tell me what you think because here are the pictures.  And I am very happy to announce that we did not see any snakes on our assent or our descent!  

Our goal to reach the top of the right side of Devil's Gate

Elder Lasher and Elder Tuescher

Our first of three hills to scale

We found several water collection basin's at the top

This is an intricate collection of rocks on one of the summits. 

Looking back over the Homestead and the trails leading around to Martin's Cove

Elder Tuescher on top of the world!
Elder Tuescher looking over a 400 foot drop to the Sweetwater River

My view of the 400 foot drop to the Sweetwater River

Here is a water slide in the rock formation!

It took us about 45 minutes to weave our way to the top and then about 20 minutes to come back down.  We were watching for snakes all along the way just to be safe.  And we had the perfect afternoon of cloud cover and a cool Wyoming breeze to keep us going strong.  We are about 500 feet above the Homestead with one magnificent and panoramic view of Wyoming.  It reminds me of Philmont where Bob and I hiked Mt Baldy!  Only on this climb, there were very few loose rocks.

It has been a full day for these two senior missionaries!  And the best part of the day is having the safe arrival of Adam and the healthy delivery from Mary.  This has been a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Wow- mom must’ve gone to bed early!!! That looks like a home with a good workout involved! Glad they are keeping you guys busy!
