Wednesday, May 30, 2018

30 May 2018 - Wednesday

30 May 2018 - Wednesday

We have arrived at the last day of training for the trekker groups.  Tomorrow we will welcome two groups from Montana and Wyoming,  A third group arrived at Sixth Crossing today from Utah.  Our busy season is about to begin!  We are excited!   

But to begin our day, we had our daily morning prayers and scripture reading.  I got up a few minutes earlier than usual and was able to be out on my morning walk by 5:40am.  The morning air was clean and so fresh from last nights rain.  I got two morning pictures to share;

The morning sunrise to the east on a cloudless morning!

And the setting full moon to the immediate west sky!
It was a remarkable walk, this morning, as I enjoyed the beautiful scenery, in the mid 40's temperatures.  I was able to complete the three miles in under 50 minutes, but I have not yet broken the 45 minute barrier!  I have cheated a few days by jogging part of the way, but I keep thinking that if Granny knew, I would be shot!  So please don't tell her!

Then we had our correlation meeting at the Homestead at Martin's Cove.  We then had a two hour dress rehearsal for the welcoming of the trek groups, and reviewed the duties of each missionary involved.  Look at all the missionaries it will take to welcome each group this summer;

The welcoming committee!
Our welcoming group heading off for the dress rehearsal
We all will have specific assignments as each group arrives.  Mom and I are especially excited to be the trek hosts.  That responsibility allows us to be with the group from the beginning of their stay here at Martin's Cove, to the end of their stay, as they leave for either Sixth Crossing, Rock Creek, or back to their homes.  It was fascinating to actually have a practice session with all those involved.  Both mom and I feel so much better prepared for the experience and the mechanics of the trek.  Now we can focus on the youth that we may be able to reach out to!  Yea!

Then after our dress rehearsal,  we had lunch and finished up some work assignments.  We got the final port-a-potties sanitized.  Then we cleaned up a full barrel of aluminum cans, for recycling, and finally, dealt with a few more weeds at one of the residential areas.

These port-a-potties are actually snake proof.  They can't come up into the potty!

This picture reminded my of my Nana when she worked in her garden!
We were talking about favorite childhood memories as we were working this afternoon.  I remember my Nana, Madeline Josie Howard Jones.  She would always bend over her garden as she pulled weeds.  I always wondered why she did not kneel down to do the work.  Now that I am near her age, that she was then, I know why she did not kneel down!  It is way too hard to stand back up!  Experience and age tend to help us better appreciate our loved ones!  And I so loved my Nana!!

And, here are some pictures of the Sweetwater River and areas around Martin's Cove.  The area is absolutely beautiful, and it is so ready to share sacred experiences with the thousands who will come this summer.  Mom and I are so excited to share, with each of our families and friends, the marvelous experiences that we are having and learning about.  Take a look at these pictures;

Mr. Groundhog absolutely mocking us as we drive by.

Our first sighting of a baby antelope this morning
Some local ducks taking off from the Sweetwater River

A strategic view of the flowing and winding Sweetwater River 
Elder Criddle giving the history of Fort Seminoe to the committee
Every senior missionary is dedicated to given their best.  What a privilege it is to serve with so many good people.  This will be a good summer!!

I want to close with some P-day dates for those of you planning on coming.  The time you spend here with us this summer will be life changing for you and for your children.  We will do our best to make sure this happens!  If you don't think that you can fit in a visit here, please reconsider.  The entire experience will be an answer to the Sacrament prayer portion that says, "that they may always have His Spirit to be with them"...  

The way that the experience is put together, coupled with the individual, and group, preparations prior to coming, will give you an inside glimpse to the reasons these precious pioneers went through so much opposition to, "become better acquainted with God".

Here are the dates of our prep days.  Come a day or so before the prep day so that we can be together on our day off.  Let us know of your tentative dates so that we don't have more than one family to share our accommodations;
  • June:  2, 9, 18, 25
  • July: 2, 9, 16, 23
  • August:  11, 18, 25
  • September: 1, 10, 17, 24
We will be assigned to Rock Creek Hollow from August 2 to August 9.  We will be living in a trailer there for that week and will not have a P-day.  I am sure we will be more flexible in our schedules after the middle of August!  Thank you for checking in with us tonight!  Let the trek's begin!


  1. So exciting! We are looking forward to hearing about the neat experiences that you will have with the trekkers! And we are so excited to come out!

  2. I hope your first trek experience was awesome! ❤
