Monday, May 7, 2018

7 May 2018 - Monday

7 May 2018 - Monday

I know, I know... I am guilty of too many morning pictures.  However, you have got to see the shot I took this morning!  I was walking on my three mile trail when this came into my view;

I caught the antelope right in the middle of the sunrise!
There was a herd of antelope and one, in particular, who wanted to be in the picture.  I could not resist and this was such a neat shot!  It made the rest of my walk this morning so much fun, and I was so anticipating showing this picture tonight!

Mom and I got to the correlation meeting early this morning.  Our assignment was with the work crew to go out to the Cherry Creek Campground to finish clearing the fields of cow pies.  However, it was a sad state of affairs when I had to delay going out until I finished making copies of the emergency mission plan for all the missionaries.  

Instead of going out in the hot sun, I had to stay in the coolness of the mission offices and make these copies, and laminate some emergency numbers, and then distribute them.  By the time I got this very difficult task finished, I only had less than an hour left in the work detail to clean out those wonderful cow pies.... Here is an action shot of mom and Sister Criddle making their marks on the clean-up, and the next picture is one of me doing my duty on the doody!

Sister Criddle is Cambry's friends' grandmother serving here with us!

Doing my doody...
Needless to say we had fun!  We finished up this work at this campground, and then headed for home.  We did pass this one memorial, on our way back, for this dog named Oscar.  Here is the picture of that memorial and the story that goes with it;

Oscar was a stray dog adopted by the Sun Family whose ranch was purchased by the Church in the late 1990's.  Oscar lived with the adult daughter of the late Tom Sun and would come over the Cherry Creek Campground to check out the trekkers.  This was a distance of about 5 or 6 miles.  He would then "adopt" a family of youth trekkers, usually one group each week during the trek season.  He would come over to the Cherry Creek Campground and stay with the group he selected for the day or two of their stay at Martin's Cove.  

Now here is the interesting part of his life and purpose to the trekkers;  He would sometimes bark and not let the youth do certain things.  On one occasion he would not let some boys go into their tent.  When an adult came over to investigate this unusual activity, they found a rattlesnake in the tent.  On another occasion, Oscar would not let a group of girls use the restroom potties.  When the adult came to the girl's rescue, they found that Oscar had really rescued the girls because there was a rattlesnake in the bathroom.  

Oscar would finish his trek with his pre-selected group and then return home to the ranch until he decided to join another group the next week.  His story was published in the Friend Magazine sometime after he died.  Isn't that an interesting story?

A mother groundhog near the bathrooms we were preparing.
This mother groundhog stood up in this pose for several minutes.  We decided she was protecting her young groundhogs below the cement surface.  There is quite a selection of wildlife here in the Wyoming countryside!  

Then tonight we had a Family Home Evening Fireside at Sixth Crossing.  This area is about an hour's drive from our Missionary Village.  We went out there for a 6:00pm dinner and program and were taught all about the Willie Company's struggles here, in this area, and their subsequent rescue.  Here is how they welcomed us;

Handcarts lined up all along the entrance to Sixth Crossing.
We had 24 of these carts that we used in Nauvoo.  At the end of our mission there, we found out they sent them to Sixth Crossing.  I saw several of them here tonight as I was walking down to take this picture.

More of the original pioneer trail traversing through the Cherry Creek Camp 
This has been a late night!  Mom and I got home at 9:15pm and we have a six mile trek training exercise tomorrow, back at Sixth Crossing.  Mom went to bed at 9:30pm and now it is well after 10:00pm and I need to follow suit.  We hope you have had a wonderful day!  We love you!


  1. You guys are too cute!πŸ˜†πŸ’• I love the pictures! And that is too bad, Grandpa...I’m sure you’ll have another longer chance to scoop those cow pies, thoughπŸ˜‚
    And that is a sweet story about the dog, I love itπŸ€—.
    Love you guys!!πŸ’—

  2. I like your antelope sunrise! Pretty! The story of the dog reminds me of our girls camp days when the dog would bark if there was a bear in camp but this one was better. And mom looked like she enjoyed her day working with cowpies. Good attitude you guys! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š Love you!

  3. I love reading your stories! So uplifting! I love you!! πŸ˜˜πŸ’•

  4. Amazing picture! 😍😍 Nice work! Those are neat stories of Oscar!
    Love you!
