Wednesday, September 26, 2018

26 September 2018 - Wednesday

26 September 2018 - Wednesday

The temperatures were a little colder this morning!  We saw 27 degrees on our thermometer and I can verify it was a cold three mile walk!  However, there was a complete absence of wind, so the windchill did not play into an unbearable walk!  Ultimately, we saw the temperatures hit 70 degrees as we were returning home from our assignments.

After the correlation meeting, mom and I were both assigned to the school group.  We had 50 students from a school in Casper come for a Wyoming history tour of the Sun Ranch and Martin's Cove.  I got the nod to work the Blacksmith's shop and they got the best of the Prairie Diamond story, at least as much as I could share to a school group!  And mom was one of the school group leaders, and she led my last group at the Blacksmith's shop of the tour! 

One of the school groups leaving the Blacksmith's shop.  One turned back and waved!
I offered a free cleaning and sizing of their Prairie Diamond ring every time they returned to Martin's Cove, and the Blacksmith's shop, with their families!  When they return with their families and they are not in a school group, we can discuss the precious principles of the Gospel that influenced these precious pioneers!  This was the last school group for this calendar year.  The next groups will come in the late Spring of 2019.  Hopefully the missionaries, at that time, will honor my offer of free cleaning and sizing!

Our school assignment ended at around noon today.  With the closing and winterizing of the mission, we are now being given assignments that may only take less than an hour to complete.  Mom and I asked for several of these shorter assignments and got them all done today.  We did some touch up painting, we winterized the lawn mowers, weed eaters and chain saws with fuel stabilizer, and we got "Wilma" all cleaned out and winterized.  That was an extra two hours for us today and then we headed for home.

I took this picture of one of the missionaries with a tuned up snowblower!
We did not bring a lunch with us so that we could get these extra assignments done.  Once we got home we were both starving!  After lunch, (and dinner), I continued reading the on-line book, "Saints".  It is such a fascinating history that makes me sad, and angry, over how the Saints were treated by the mobs.  But the most significant part of the history is how the early Saints reacted to a Prophet.  Many remained true and faithful through the hardest of circumstances.  Some were not.  What a great example the faithful are to me as I read their histories.

It was sad to read about some who became disaffected and turned on the Prophet, Joseph.  I am greatly impressed with those whose testimonies never wavered, and I am impressed with those who humbled themselves and came back after being disaffected for a time.  

I think we might be approaching a time when there will be more noble Saints becoming disaffected with the Prophetic leadership of President Nelson.  We hope and pray everyday that we will remain strong, committed and unwavering under his leadership.  I love President Nelson, and both mom and I know that he is Heavenly Father's prophet on the earth today!  What a blessing it is to follow his wise counsel and his teachings in every respect and with exactness. 


  1. I really love the Saints book as well!
    And am so thankful for the Book of Mormon that shows us just how important it is to follow the prophet whether he is popular or not! Heavenly Father truly has given us all the resources we need to remain strong if we remember to use them each day. He is so good to us!❤️
    Can’t wait for conference and can’t wait for you guys to get home!!🎉❤️

  2. Yes! Get those projects done so you can get home!! 😍😍😍
