Monday, September 17, 2018

17 September 2018 - Monday - Happy Birthday Jacob! #10!

17 September 2018 - Monday

Today mom and I enjoyed our preparation day together.  We had our morning prayers and Scripture reading at 5:30am.  Then I took my three mile walk, in mid 50's temperatures.  It was very pleasant this morning!  We left for the correlation meeting at 7:40am, and then we were on our way to Casper by 9:00am for our fun day together.  

The correlation meeting continued to be somewhat emotional for many senior missionaries.  The thoughts and the prayer were centered around somber goodbyes.  And after the meeting it seemed like everyone wanted to hang around for hugs and kisses and tears.... except mom and me!  Make no mistake about our feelings for this mission.  We have learned so much, and our spiritual reserves are full!  Now we can't wait to share these experiences with our precious family members and friends!  

There was no definite plan for our activities in Casper, but we wanted to include something a little different than our usual routine of Wal-Mart and Sam's Club.  So we tried a new local restaurant that we heard had some great hamburgers.  The name of the restaurant was "Peaches".  It's name did not seem to fit the hype of a place for hamburgers!  However we were pleasantly surprised!  The hamburgers were well worth the efforts to find this local hangout!

But, I did have the test today that heightened my anticipation for the cabin and for Thanksgiving foods!  As we were strolling down every aisle at the Sam's Club, look what caught my attention;

There were three fresh pies on this display when I saw them!  I had one in my hot hands for a brief moment and then reconsidered... Mom makes her pies so much better!  I elected to wait for them to come out of the oven in the coming days when we get home!  How is that for will power!!  This is not just about not bringing home the pie.  It is also the ultimate sacrifice to not also bring home the three pack of whipped cream!

We got back to our trailer at Missionary Village about 2:00pm.  On our way home we stopped by Muddy Gap and got a book about the Riverton, Wyoming Stake experience in the "Willie Project". It is a fascinating account of the development of the Second Rescue of the 1856 handcart pioneers that were part of the James Willie, Edward Martin, Hunt and Hodgetts companies, and the temple work that was performed in their behalf.  

Both mom and I are reading the book separately and refreshing many of the stories we have heard about the efforts of the stake president and his stake members.  It is a complete history of that second rescue. I think many of our family members will enjoy the read.  

We also enjoyed an afternoon walk together around the Ranch 66/Missionary Village.  It is always a welcomed pleasure to take a walk together!  It is just a preview of the walks around our housing area in Rigby!  The Fall weather is so delightful and enjoyable!

Happy 10th birthday Jacob!  Granny and Grandpa hope you had a fun day celebrating with your family and your friends at school!   Many happy returns!  We love you!


  1. Mmmm, hamburgers😋 and pumpkin pie 🥧😋😋 We can’t wait for the cabin!
    Love and miss you both so much!!❤️❤️

  2. Sounds like a nice relaxing day! Were the hamburgers as good as that one place in Fremont, Bob's Big Burgers or something like that?

    We love you!

  3. I almost bought a pumpkin pie at Costco the other day but reconsidered as well. It was extremely tempting though! Peaches sounds yummy! Love you guys!
