Monday, September 24, 2018

24 September 2018 - Monday

24 September 2018 - Monday

Today we enjoyed another preparation day.  It will be one of the last preparation days before we are released.  A huge majority of our mission service, going forward, is to serve in the Visitors' Center.  It currently takes five couples serving overlapping 4.5 hour shifts to cover the open hours of 8:00am until 7:00pm.  Next Monday, October 1st, the hours change to 9:00am until 4:00pm.  

We had our morning prayers and Scripture reading this morning before I left on my morning, three mile, walk.  It was pretty dark, along the way, for about 15 minutes before the roadway was seen clearly.  It was very windy and a brisk mid 40's temperature.  The wind chill probably took the temperature down several degrees, but I was comfortable in my layered clothing.  

Our correlation meeting had seven senior couples in attendance, this morning.  This is down from an average of 24 couples!  By Thursday morning we will see two more senior couples end their missions and then our numbers will somewhat stabilize for the remaining time we are here.  Ultimately there will be a total of seven senior couples here from November until March of next year.  The time is flying by, and we are having some wonderful experiences with meeting different people and getting better acquainted with the smaller number of senior missionaries.  

After the correlation meeting we were off to Casper for a day of fun and shopping.  We also got notice of one more family visit this coming weekend!  We love having family come and visit here and experience this sacred historic site with us.  When we come to the Jeppson's for a visit, we promise to bring all the intimate stories with us and share them with you!!

Mom wanted to have our luncheon at the Olive Garden today.  We got there at a few minutes before noon and there was a ten minute wait.  So we went over to the Pizza Ranch and had our lunch.  Isn't it interesting that when you anticipate a certain restaurant's food, and then change that to another restaurant, that you don't enjoy the other food as much?  We have always liked the food at Pizza Ranch, but I was really looking forward to trying a new entree at Olive Garden with garlic in it!  I could not find that anywhere on the menu at the Pizza Ranch!

We came home and settled in to another podcast with Mike Stroud.  The insights he has to the messages of the Gospel are fascinating to us, and we are so looking forward to General Conference in less than two weeks!  Yea!  Mom and I also supported our senior missionary Family Home Evening tonight at the pavilion.  They played games and had refreshments.  I was grateful that mom and I had our own Family Home Evening before we went over to the pavilion.  We read President Nelson's Sunday morning conference talk, "Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives"..  

I just can't seem to get enough of his messages!!!  What a blessing he is to the Church at this exact time in the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times!  Both mom and I want to read and reread all of his talks and messages wherever he is speaking.  He is such an inspiration for me to want to be better and do better...., don't you agree?


  1. I agree completely! What a blessing to be part of a family where everyone loves the prophet and wants to follow him! I love my Lasher’s!❤️❤️❤️

  2. Excited for your visitors this weekend!!! That will help pass the time 😍

    Yes! Love President Nelson! Can't wait for General Conference! 💜💜💜

    I love you two!!

  3. Whaaat??? Who’s visiting now??? So fun! And yes President Nelson is awesome! Love his messages and the way he presents them.
