Friday, September 21, 2018

21 September 2018 - Friday

21 September 2018 - Friday

Can you believe it?  Today is the last day of summer, according to the calendar.  And tomorrow begins the first day of fall!  Well, wouldn't you know it, the last day of summer, today, began with the temperatures at 32 degrees here in Wyoming.  Mom and I had the restroom cleaning assignment so we started in for the Homestead at 6:45am.  And when we left the Missionary Village, it was 32 degrees.  If fact, on the way to the Homestead, the temperature in the car registered 31 degrees!

It turned out to be a crisp, and a clear, day with the highest temperature reaching 70 degrees.  Once the morning sun reached us, the warmth started regenerating.  Mom and I got the cleaning done by 9:30am and then we worked to complete our painting assigned   We also had a district cleaning assignment to clean the offices.  However, that assignment fell directly on us since all of our district members have left for home!

Finishing up the district cleaning assignment!  The Ma and Pa district!
Mom and I divided, and conquered, our workload this morning.  I completed the painting and she attacked the office cleaning.  That took us about two more hours after finishing the restrooms.  With our district working on the offices, it would have taken us about 30 minutes!

Another five couples left for home today.  There are now five couples left at Missionary Village that will be going home this year.  There are three couples left at the Missionary Village who will stay for the winter.  Two couples have taken a two week sabbatical from the mission to complete some obligations at home, and one couple will be leaving the first week in October for two weeks.  All three of these winter couples are waiting for their new apartment assignments to be ready for their occupancy as they return back to the mission.  

We are delighted at the prospect of returning home in the next three weeks.  It seems that we are being kept here to help cover the Visitors' Center hours.  Right now the Visitors' Center is open from 8:00am until 7:00pm.  After October 1st, it will be open from 9:00am until 4:00pm.  At that point, the final assignments for winterizing the mission will be the main focus of the senior missionaries, and covering the hours at the Visitors' Center will be easier to accomplish with fewer missionaries.

In our efforts to draw closer to the Spirit, mom and I are listening to various talks in preparation for General Conference.  We are also intent on reading our Scriptures, and studying the General Conference talks from the April Conference.  Our prayers are focused on preparing our hearts and minds for the messages being prepared just for us.  I can feel the efforts of President Nelson to lift us. as a Church, and as each member, to a higher Gospel plane.  

Both mom and I have felt the urgency to be better prepared for the unfolding events of these, the last days, and it is so exciting!  Let's face it, the times are coming that will be challenging to the members of the Church, and many of the very elect will be deceived.  Our hope and prayer, in addition to having our own hearts and minds opened, is that our family and our precious close friends will not let go of the Iron Rod!  

We have got to be strong in the face of these challenges, and the Lord has said, "if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear".  The Adversary is not pulling any punches, and he knows his time is coming to a close.  With everything coming to a head, we are so grateful to be a part of such a marvelous and wonderful family!  Pulling together, we can work out our salvation and overcome every obstacle that is thrown at any one of us!  


  1. Yes!!!! I agree with your thoughts! Something is coming and I hope that I'm prepared enough for what's coming!

  2. I agree, it is exciting! We had a visiting area seventy in our ward yesterday and he made mention of all the rumors swirling about more changes and he said he doesn’t know what they are but that we should remember that all the changes that come to church policy or programs aren’t about programs, it’s about changing us as a people to be ready to meet the Savior when He returns. The Lord is giving us what we need to become a Zion people. ❤️ It is so wonderful to be alive at this time!
    I am so thankful for President Nelson and His prophetic leadership and how he is helping us to prepare ourselves and the world for Jesus to come again. ❤️❤️
    Love you guys!!!
