Wednesday, February 24, 2016

February 24, 2016 - Wednesday in Nauvoo

Mom and I were released as the site leaders for the Visitors Center at the training meeting this morning.  No one was called to take our place, which was a little strange, but we were then called as the assistant mission photographers.  Needless to say, mom was so excited to be released from the Visitors Center.  I liked working there, and keeping the calendar, but learning the photography end of the mission should be interesting.  

The new mission president wants to simplify the monthly DVD production, that is called "The Pickle Barrel",  by shortening the 30 minute production, and using only birthday, new arrival and departure photos and photos of specific mission sponsored events.  After talking with the outgoing photographers, they indicated that there will be many who will complain if they don't see their picture every month in this video production.  Some feel it is a historical keepsake, but they may now be in for a rude awakening!  Fun times ahead!  My comment to those suffering from non monthly appearances in the Pickle Barrel?..... Talk to the presidency!

We got to the training meeting at the Visitors Center when I got a call from the schedulers.  They wanted to change my assignment from a 9:45am to 5:00pm assignment at the Tin Shop, to a 9:00am to 1:00pm assignment at the Visitors Center due to an illness....  Who am I so say no to that change??  I did have to go back home and change into my suit.  However, since we walked over this morning, the mission president handed me the keys to his car to go home and change rather than have to walk back.  Thus opened this very special picture opportunity;

Happy boy driving the Presidents car AND parking in the Presidents' spot!
Hey, how many times can this happen?  Little Bobby driving the executive car and pulling up into the executive parking space!  That sign right behind this handsome guy in this photo says, "Mission President Parking Only".  Kind of reminds me about that very special day that I was given Marty's Lexus, and Rick Drilings Blackberry cell phone.  Ahhhh memories!

Mom was serving at the Lyon Drug Store for the 9:45am to 5:00pm shift, so I came home and tried to get most of our chores done before she got off.  I was home by 1:30pm and that gave me the time I needed.  When she got home we were able to get ready quickly, and went to the 6:00pm temple session.  Guess who served as the witness couple, again?  We sure enjoy our temple sessions and serving here in the mission.  Now we will turn the page for some more interesting assignments and experiences.  Hold on tight for some great posts in the coming days and weeks!!

I got to see photos from the 1880's of Nauvoo.  B H Roberts,  Church Historian, took the pictures.  What was interesting to me was the building that housed the Nauvoo Expositor that Joseph's antagonists used to force him to Carthage and his ultimate murder.  I've been wondering where that building was located, and we found out, today, that it was up on the bluffs in Nauvoo, and not down in the flats.  When you come to Nauvoo this summer, we will certainly go by this area of town, even though the building is now long gone.  We have a good idea of the location!  This history is still so very fascinating to me!


  1. Nice selfie :)!! That is one happy father of mine:)!

  2. This post is a historical moment!!!!! Dads first selfie!!! Nice work!! Lookin good! :)
