Thursday, February 18, 2016

February 18, 2016 - Thursday in Nauvoo

Today was mom's first day in training as a wagon narrator.  She worked on three wagon rides and got the exposure to what the narrator does.  I had the morning shift at the Visitors Center so we were able to see each other for a few minutes after each training ride.  The wind was chilly even though the temperatures were in the mid 40's.  It seemed a lot warmer than we have had the last few weeks, but the wind chill takes a toll on us!  I can't believe I did not go out and catch a picture of her first day of training!!!

We were up early today and looking forward to the days activities.  We are moving ahead with testing the field to see if we can sell the deli back in Idaho Falls.  Jared and Tom have a conference call with the President and CEO of Gandolfo's tomorrow.  We have been hoping and praying that he will be helpful in this effort.  Jared and Tommy have been so faithful in working the deli and Ali has been such a blessing to assume the 'under appreciated' efforts in keeping the books!  Mom and I are so very grateful to those efforts that have sustained us as full time missionaries.

It was pretty strange not working with mom in the Visitors Center today.  She is excited about being a wagon Narrator and the opportunity to be outdoors this summer.  She will probably work the wagon Narrator's assignment one or two days each month.  I am still not sure what duties we will ultimately have as the mission photographers.  It may be a very limited role of just making sure everyone has a picture in the monthly DVD presentation.  I spoke with the new mission president this morning and he is relying very heavily on his counselors for feedback...  It appears to me that any other feedback is not as anxiously sought after, so we will see what we will be doing. 

Then tonight, we ventured out to go to dinner with about 50 other senior missionaries.  The Rendezvous Play was cancelled this week due to the refinishing of the Cultural Hall flooring.  That gave us a rare opportunity to go out in larger crowds for dinner.  However, even though this restaurant had advanced notice of 50+ coming for dinner, they only had 1 waitress.  Apparently when the missionaries have done this before, not everyone, who said they would come, actually came.  Well tonight, they all came!  Here is what it looked like;

Our table and about 30 others in the background tables.

The food started arriving 75 minutes after we got there!

Our food arrived a little bit later.........
We had wonderful company, but it was hard to eat so late at night and to wait so long to be served.  Probably one of the last times we will venture out for a dinner party like this!  We love fixing our own dinners at home and controlling the time we eat!  Mom was ready for bed immediately upon arriving home at 8:30pm.  

I am getting close to being ready myself after I finish my blogging!  I love putting together this blog and letting our wonderful families and friends know about these adventures!  I do think that the Celestial Kingdom will be populated with wonderful family members who love being together and sharing precious memories!

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