Monday, February 15, 2016

February 15, 2016 - Monday in Nauvoo

We had a nice layer of snow on the car this morning.  However, the temperature was in the high 20's so we were excited to take our walk and get in our workout on this P-day.  After our morning devotional and prayers we started on our way around the walking path.  The trails were a little slippery in a few spots, but what a great morning walk!

After the preparations, to get ready for the day, were completed this morning, we headed to Keokuk for our weekly shopping trip.  We got things done and we were back in Nauvoo for the 11:00am temple session.  There were two young people receiving their endowments this morning.  

One was a single sister celebrating her one year anniversary in the Church on this very day.  Her temple district is Kansas City, but since it was closed for cleaning, she came all the way to Nauvoo to receive her endowment.  She had the strongest feeling that she needed to recieve that endowment on the anniversary of her confirmation.  She wasn't any older than 20, so it was even more incredible that she was able to have the temple experience without marriage or a mission call.

The other was a young man with some developmental issues.  He was so excited to be in the temple and it was a sweet Spirit that prevailed for both these special members! We always enjoy our temple sessions!  

We got home a little after 1:00pm and had our lunch together.  I then took the dirty car to our facilities management area where they have a car wash bay for the missionaries.  Even though there is snow on the ground, I had to get that road salt and film off Moroni!  He looks so good tonight!

Mom and I had our family home evening together this evening.  We did a service project cleaning the message boards along the Trail of Hope and we got home ready to cuddle in for the evening.  It has been a great day for us!

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