Friday, August 3, 2018

3 August 2018 - Friday

3 August 2018 - Friday

I think it was a little harder getting up this morning!  I had aches and pains that I wasn't aware even existed!  But, we had the seven mile trek adventure today so we were up and running by 4:30am and getting ready for our assignment.  This group was really not looking for much missionary feedback, but I was able to help them see the wisdom in the silent river crossing.  I suggested to the five Bishops that the youth remain silent from the beginning of the walk to the river, and then until they got to the statues about a half mile away.  

One of the Bishops mentioned that he thought that was too long for them to remain reverent.  I thought that was an interesting comment being that these precious pioneers suffered extreme physical conditions crossing that river to the point of even sacrificing their lives.  I did not go into that line of thinking, but I did say that it has been quite effective with other groups but may not be best for his group.  He thanked me a couple of hours later for making that suggestion.  He said he went back to his ward and asked them if they would be willing to be reverent that long!  They answered affirmatively that they would.  

So often, we sometimes don't expect high enough standards of behavior where lives have the most chance of being changed for good.  In the case of this Bishop, can you imagine the youth interviews over the next year that will come about from this one experience?  I would have loved to have had experiences like these as a Bishop with my youth, all three times!!  In this case, I suggested that they not only be reverent and quiet, but that the Bishops go before their ward, into the river, and help them out of the water on the other side.  Where else could a Bishop get this kind of interaction with his youth?

Here are some pictures of yet another tender mercy for these two senior missionaries.  We had thunderhead clouds and steady breezes that kept the bugs away from us on the trek throughout the day.  The high was only 82 degrees, and it was mostly behind clouds over the six hours we were on the trails!  And we are in the month of August!

7:00am cloud cover over Martin's Cove!  Hallelujah!
The added cloud cover before the Women's Pull about 1:00pm

Mom and I have now gone ten miles with this group over the last 24 hours.  I will be the Trail Guide tomorrow morning for this group as they leave the Cherry Creek campground and head for Rock Creek Hollow.  They are scheduled to be ready to trek out of the campground by 8:30am.  Tomorrow is our P-day and mom will not join me so that she can wear more comfortable clothing for our shopping day, and not have to come back to Missionary Village to change.

This was our ninth group that we were Trek Host for this summer.  I have learned so much about how folks prepare for experiences like these at Martin's Cove.  It is also very apparent that some leaders would rather use their knowledge of the events, here, rather than use the cumulative knowledge of missionaries who have invested their time and talents and energies to help make this experience not only accurate, but rewarding with small suggestions that bring leaders and youth closer together.  

I have found that those who rely on their own knowledge , don't always have the most accurate information.  And those who humble themselves, and prepare their groups well, and still ask for these suggestions from missionaries, (who have been set apart to help them achieve the highest return on their investments), come away from the Martin's Cove experience so much better.  

Don't you think that this is why we pray for all of our leaders each and every day?  Certainly our prayers for them do not go unanswered.  Our leaders at the local level need our love and support.  As for the Prophets and Apostles, we know that the Lord will never allow them to lead us astray.  Perhaps that is why we pray on behalf of our local leaders for inspiration and understanding of their callings, and for our general leaders for health and strength to stay focused and keep us on the straight and narrow path to return back to our Heavenly Home!  Just a thought...  At this point, I've got a million of them!


  1. Reading through your post tonight, I had the thought of how we sometimes think we know best and we don't take the "advice" from the Spirit. But in reality, we need to continuously be praying and asking for guidance because our Savior has a vested interest in each one of us and has already been down our path and knows the best routes to take. We need to remember to listen to His advice and not think that we know better. 💜💜💜

    I sure love you two!!! And miss you so much!!! 😘😘

  2. ❤️ I say Amen to you and Ali!
    Love you!😘
