Saturday, August 18, 2018

18 August 2018 - Saturday

18 August 2018 - Saturday

This was one of our last preparation days that will fall on a Saturday.  But this Saturday worked out really well to share this day with the Lasher family in Casper.  Mom and I took Bobby and Jacob and Anna to the correlation meeting with us this morning.  It was so much fun to have them with us.  I told the kids last night that if they were in bed, and quiet, by 9:00pm, they would get to take a walk with Grandpa this morning.  So Bobby and Jacob went with me this morning;

A cool day ahead of us with these thunder head clouds!

And then the sunrise on our walk

Temperatures in the high 40's at the grave site this morning!
Granny and I left for the correlation meeting at 7:45am.  The roads were wet from the rain and we were careful driving down to the Homestead.  As is our custom, we opened the Chapel meeting room, and waited for the other senior missionaries to arrive.  Only this morning we had some talented piano players to play prelude music for us;

Jacob and Bobby playing "The Entertainer" 
I sure enjoy hearing the grandchildren playing the piano!  It was fun to have them there with us, for about 15 minutes, before the other senior missionaries began arriving.  After the meeting we all met up together with the other Lasher family members and we headed off to Casper!

Anna wanting to take her own set of wheels!
We went to the shoe store at the mall, in Casper, and found some shoes for Bobby and Jacob to wear and begin their school year, this coming Wednesday, back in Rexburg.  Then we headed off to Pizza Ranch with some very hungry grandchildren!

I think Pizza Ranch was a winner!

Johnny and Faith loving the Pizza Pie desserts!
Our next stop was Sam's Club.  Can you just imagine, for a moment, that Granny was well established in her element as she was surrounded by grandchildren AND clothing specials at Sam's?  And she did her best to take advantage of the unique situation!

Can you see that smile on Granny's face?

Faith found the perfect set of jammies

A big smile for Johnny!  He got the licorice to "share" with his family!
The fun part of shopping comes when the family is with us.  All the kids found something they liked except Johnny.  After we checked out, we discovered he had not picked out anything for himself.  He never did complain, or ask for anything, and Granny felt so bad that he did not get something for himself.  So she took him back into the store and, together, they found the licorice.  He had the biggest smile on his face and ultimately did share his treasure with all his family!

It was then time to head back to Missionary Village.  Mary was not feeling well so we tried to get home as quickly as we could.  However we did make one stop at Independence Rock.  The girls stayed in the car, except for Anna, and we walked quickly toward the landmark.  There was a storm brewing that we thought we could beat, but we were mistaken.  Just as the boys reached the base of Independence Rock, the storm cut loose with gale-like winds and rain.  We scrambled back to the car with a quick photo to prove we were there!

Jacob touched the Rock and Bobby did not quite make it! (he was blown away)
We have had a wonderful visit with lot's of fun activities and precious experiences.  Bobby, Jacob and I played some catch this afternoon.  We watched as the storm hit Missionary Village, and we just enjoyed one another's company.  The time has gone by way too quickly, and, before we know it, the Lasher's will be heading back home tomorrow.  What a boost they have given to two senior missionaries!  We love our precious family!!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day! Hopefully Mary is feeling better!!
    So glad you have had a great visit! ❤❤❤

  2. Haha I get mom was in heaven shopping for the grandkids!! What a fun visit! Hope Mary is feeling better!! ❤️❤️❤️
