Wednesday, August 29, 2018

29 August 2018 - Wednesday

29 August 2018 - Wednesday

Winter must be closing in on Wyoming!  First we hear about the snow coming at the 9,000 foot elevation, and then we had temperatures in the mid 30's this morning!  I thought that it might be chilly on our walk this morning, but it was refreshing, and cold, at the same time.  The air was very clear and clean, and we could easily see the details in the outlines of the surrounding mountains;

A picture of Split Rock at the entrance to Missionary Village

The sunrise reflection on the west side mountains this morning
Mom and I had the shift at the Visitors' Center from 2:00pm until 7:00pm.  That gave us a very relaxed morning and early afternoon together.  After our walk, we enjoyed breakfast and some nice reading time.  But, as for the reading time, for me, it always leads to nap time.  Why is that?  I love a good nap!

Can you believe we are approaching Labor Day weekend?  It is very interesting how fast the months are passing by!  We got to the Visitors' Center by 1:45pm and there had been less than 20 visitors the entire morning and early afternoon.  I did have an interesting Chinese group come in on a tour van.  It was about 5:30pm and there were nine in their group.  These nine emptied the van and then scattered all around the Homestead in less than two minutes!

Mercedes tour van.  Might be an idea for some growing families!

When the Chinese groups get off the van, they scatter with their cameras!

It took four senior missionaries to track nine Chinese visitors!
Most of the Chinese tourists come to Martin's Cove because of the clean restrooms.  Usually they do not even speak to the missionaries as they are so busy taking pictures.  They are a fun group, though, especially when we can engage them in some kind of discussion!

As we were waiting for visitors, mom and I enjoyed talking to the senior missionary couples serving with us today.  We were with the Hansen's until they left at 4:00pm, and then we were with the Ward's until 6:30pm.  It has been very quiet, so far, as the long weekend approaches.  Mom and I will be the closing missionaries at the Visitors' Center this Friday, after we celebrate our birthday's at Red Lobster.  Here are some fun pictures I got this afternoon;

A fast little hummingbird feasting on the hanging flowers
A hat made entirely out of part of an eight foot rattlesnake
We had another visitor who came in from Casper with the above hat on.  Her cousin found this snake on a hunting for snakes expedition in Texas, and he made this hat out of part of the snakeskin.  I still can't believe that I have this hat on my head!  Perhaps the grandchildren will realize how brave Grandpa really is!!  Right Mary?

Then our evening ended with an FM appreciation dinner.  The FM folks have an annual dinner to thank all the senior missionaries for their service, on the grounds away from the general public.  They made up some work orders that reflected some of our assignments, this summer, and wrote some personal messages to us.  What a class act!  Mom and I enjoyed the thanksgiving type meal and the notes of appreciation!  The only thing missing from this "thanksgiving" meal was Pumpkin Pie!!

The FM appreciation dinner.
The dinner began at 6:00pm.  Mom and I were at our assignment until about 6:35pm when our co-missionaries arrived back from eating.  After our dinner, mom and I slipped quietly out of the party and headed for home.  I got mom into bed before 7:30pm and got right to work on the blog.  

Grandpa was also treated to some wonderful letters from home for his birthday!  Thank you to all the grandchildren for their love letters to Grandpa!  We love you and are sooooo looking forward to our joyful reunion in October!  Then the "roughing up" will begin, along with the generous flow of whipped cream!!  Get ready!


  1. 😖😖😖 Just looking at that hat gives me the heebie-jeebies!🤭 You are brave!😆
    Those mountains look so pretty. I didn’t realize how smoky it was when we were there, but the contrast is pretty stark.
    I wouldn’t mind a Mercedes van!😉
    We can’t wait for the roughing-up and free flowing whipped cream!! Love you so much!😘❤️

  2. Impressive that you're wearing that hat!!
    It's been so nice having such clear skies! So grateful for the rain!
    Can't wait till October! 😍🎉🎉🎉

    We sure love grandpa! Glad you got those letters!

    Love you both so much! ❤❤❤

  3. Moms the center of attention at that dinner ��/ all eyes on her! Go mom! Just wondering what story you are telling ��. Also-I want me some free flowing whipped cream as well ��!
