Monday, July 2, 2018

2 July 2018 - Monday

2 July 2018 - Monday

What a wonderful P-day with the Sathre family today!  I was up at 5:00am this morning and ready for my three mile walk before our correlation meeting.  Mom and I had our scripture reading and prayers before I left, and it was so much fun to see the grandchildren sleeping in our front room!

A clear morning along my walkway all the way to Split Rock!

Precious grandchildren in heavenly slumber!
I got back from my walk and got ready for our correlation meeting at the Homestead.  We left Missionary Village at 8:00am and Ron and Kathi joined us for the meeting experience.  After the correlation meeting we all met at the Homestead and left for Casper for our weekly supplies, and a stop at the Pizza Ranch restaurant for lunch.

Ron and Kathi Sathre with us at correlation meeting this morning
The correlation meeting, this morning, gave Ron and Kathi a little taste of the mission responsibilities.  It was fun to share that experience with them this morning with about 20 senior missionaries!  Right after the meeting, we met the rest of the family at the Homestead, and then left for Casper.

We first stopped at Sam's to gas up our cars, and then we resupplied at Sam's.  Then we went to the Wal-Mart and got a few more items before our lunch at Pizza Ranch.  I thought about taking some pictures at Pizza Ranch and then forgot to take them!  It is an all you can eat pizza restaurant with sides of fried chicken, potatoes, salads and dessert pizzas.  It has become our favorite family lunch place in Casper!

Zac and Grandpa playing some catch after our trip to Casper
The drive home from Casper was hard for me to stay awake.  I was so tired!  It was good to get back home and relax with the family tonight.  Zac and Jack and I got to play some catch together.  And then we decided to attend the Family Home Evening activity, for the missionaries and their families, tonight at the Pavilion next to the trailer.  The kids all had a great time playing bingo and listening to the patriotic message from Elder Criddle.  

The Senior Missionary version of Bingo!
The activity had prizes for each of the missionaries and their family members who got a Bingo.  They then opened the package of their choice and set it in front of them at the table.  Then others who ultimately got Bingo could either open a new package or "steal" one that had already been opened.  It was a lot of fun.  Macie wanted to watch Peppa Pig so we came back to the trailer and had our own FHE!  

My Peppa Pig date tonight for FHE with Macie!
Then tonight we had a rather excited announcement from Grand-pop.  As he was walking back to his trailer, this evening, he came up on a baby rattlesnake.  Of course all the kids wanted to rush out and see the snake.  I was with Josie in the trailer when the discovery was made, and we were not at all interested in seeing the snake.  

When  some of the kids came back in to get their cameras, Hayley was so distraught when Josie told her she could not go back out.   She was mad that she could not go back out and be possibly bitten by the snake.  She could not be consoled with the words of concern by both Jack and Macie, "that she was way too pretty to be bitten by a snake".  That did not help her get over the funk, and I asked her how she could be upset that her mother did not want her to be bitten and maybe die from a snake bite.  

Well, that did not work either so I told her to keep up the crying so I could take a picture of her and put the story on the blog.  She immediately forgot about the unfairness of her mom trying to help her be safe, and grabbed my camera.  I was finally able to convince her that the story I would tell here would immortalize her in the eyes of all that is unfair in life..... like a mom who wanted her children to not be exposed to snake bites while she was still alive, and having to deal with their possible demise.

Mom - why won't you let me get bitten by a rattlesnake?

OK mom, maybe I shouldn't be mad at you for trying to keep me safe..

Thank you, mom, for being so concerned about my welfare!  I love you!
Hayley was able to get through the snake funk, and became a happy girl once again.  She will always remember how her mom saved her life, and will cherish her mom for the rest of her life, for the love that her mom has for each of her precious children!  Please text Hayley your appreciation for the wonderful efforts her mom made tonight in helping to save her life.


  1. 😂 Sweet Hayley! We all have those moments where we don’t want what is for our ultimate and eternal benefit, don’t we? Such good lessons children teach us☺️. Glad you’re having so much fun together! Can’t wait for our turn!❤️

  2. So what did you guys do with the snake?? Glad no one was bitten!! And good job hay for not going out to get bit!!!

  3. Scary!!
    You made the right choice Hayley! 😂
    And yes the pizza place is so yummy!!! Glad you had such a good visit!!

  4. We killed the snake. And then skinned it! That was a fun/crazy day!
