Tuesday, July 10, 2018

10 July 2018 - Tuesday

10 July 2018 - Tuesday

Today we had some relief in the top temperatures.  We only saw the thermometer reach the high 80's as we were assigned on the work crew today.  The "fun" part of our day came in waves.  First, mom and I were up bright and early this morning, and had time to walk the three miles together.  Although we both got up at 4:15am, it was time to get up and enjoy a much cooler morning.  It was in the low 60's as we began our walk;

Since we were on a tight walking schedule, I was lucky to snap these four pictures!  The air was cool and the mosquitoes were not yet harassing us.  It made for a very nice morning wake-up walk.  This was the first part of our "fun" day!

Next, we attended the correlation meeting since we were assigned to the work crew.  With just one trek out in the field this morning, we had nine couples on the work crews.  However, the second part of our "fun" day came when the president announced, in our correlation meeting, the six senior missionary couples who had accepted the invitation to stay here for the winter.  Granny and Grandpa were not on that list!  In fact, we were not one of the couples invited to stay.  

Basically, what that meant, to us, was Heavenly Father did not need to test us by having the president invite us to stay, and then we having the obligation to approach Him for confirmation.  Instead, we were relieved of that obligation and we will be coming home after our six months are completed.  It makes me wonder what lies ahead for these two senior missionaries!

Once the announcements were made on the winter missionaries, we got our work assignments.  Check out the pictures below and see if you can guess what our assignments were;

The smile on mom's face tells all about coming home this Fall!

The weed eating senior missionary watching for snakes!
The cool breezes were so appreciated throughout the day.  I had the weed-wacking job for over five acres of grass, and mom  rode the John Deer over several additional acres.  There were five of us working together with four on the hand and riding mowers, and one on the weed-wacking.  It took us about 5 hours to get the grass cut and looking awesome.  It was a good assignment, but I was so thirsty after we finished!!

To celebrate our "fun" day, I had a Premier Protein shake, one of Amy's favorites!  I had the "enhanced" caramel flavor protein shake.  You might be interested in my "enhancement"?

Whipped Creme!
What a great way to end the day!  We have another work crew assignment tomorrow.  The temperatures have been forecasted to be cooler again.  We love the cooler temperatures!  We love being senior missionaries serving together here at the Wyoming Mormon Trail Mission!  And we so love our family and friends who join us here on the blog!


  1. Love that whipped cream face!😆❤️

  2. Fun times indeed! Sounds like a good work out day! And I love how you enhanced the protein drink!! 😂
