Sunday, July 1, 2018

1 July 2018 - Sunday

1 July 2018 - Sunday

I think this was one of my favorite Sunday's here in the mission field!  Mom and I were up early to get ready for the day, and just in the other three rooms of the trailer, we had our precious Sathre Family!  The boys slept in the living-room, last night, and the girls had the middle bedroom, and Tom and Josie slept in the man-cave!  Mom and I took Zac and Jack and Mia with us early to the Sacrament meeting so that Zac could help out with preparing the Sacrament.  Then Zac and Grand-pop Sathre got to pass the Sacrament together.  Later Kathi and Zac and Ron took the opportunity to share their testimonies.  What a great meeting!  I got some early pictures before the meeting began;

Mia getting ready for Church and leaving with Granny and me

Mia and Jack helping set up the Hymn Books 

Zac preparing the Sacrament with Elder Criddle

Jackson helping with the Hymn Books

Mia is all smiles helping to set up the Hymn Books

Zac making sure everything was ready for the Sacrament
We had a marvelous Fast and Testimony Meeting together.  There was a wonderful Spirit in the meeting, and we had several senior missionary couples with family members who came to participate.  We needed 10 young men to pass the Sacrament, and both Zac and Grand-pop Sathre had a special experience together helping with the passing duties and with sharing testimonies.

Granny and I had the assignment to work at the Visitors' Center right after the Sacrament Meeting at 11:15am until 2:30pm.  The rest of the family went to their meeting in Primary, Sunday School and Priesthood.  They then joined us for a tour of the Visitors' Center.  Our plan was to go home after our shift in the Visitors' Center instead of attending the weekly missionary potluck.  There were just too many extra family members to try and attend the potluck dinner today!

One fun meeting at the Sacrament Meeting was when this sweet lady asked me if there was another chair I could get her that had more back support.  She was sitting behind us in the last row on one of the folding chairs.  I went and got her a more solid backed chair and she was so happy!  She indicated that she was having back surgery to relieve some tensions with migraine headaches in just two weeks, and this chair I got her was a lifesaver for her.  She turned out to be the Criddle's daughter from Liberty Lake and she was the mother of Cambry's friend Malia Criddle!  How is that for a small world?

The Sathre Family with the Criddle Family and featuring Malia!
So here is the rest of the Criddle story.  Shawn Criddle was in the Bishopric when Amy and Josh moved into the ward.  Both he and his wife loved the Jeppson's the first time they met and Malia and Cambry became friends.  Shawn told me that Amy wanted to make sure that he was not persuaded to make Amy feel guilty by our family for not coming to see us in the mission field.  Amy, don't feel guilty!  However, we did instruct Malia to give both Cambry and Isaac a big hug from Granny and Grandpa!  And we think that this family is very special and felt an immediate connection!

The balance of the afternoon was spent talking and eating and playing together.  Zac gave us a piano concert and Hayley played part of a music piece that she remembered.  And Emma and Mia and Hayley and Jack put on a show for us in the Pavilion.  Check out these pictures;

Zac, keep playing the piano!!!

Hayley ready to sing to us

Macie with an amazing dance routine

Emma and Macie with their dance routine

Enjoying the feeling of being here at Martin's Cove at the Visitors' Center

A Sathre Family photo opportunity with the handcarts at Prairie Park

Zac enjoying his first meal of buffalo tongue right here at Missionary Village!


  1. It's been such a wonderful Sabbath here in Martin's Cove!! ❤️ I was so glad to be here for a fast and testimony meeting! ❣️ We are so grateful for you and Mom and your sacrifices for Jesus on behalf of our whole family! 💕 And we are so grateful to experience this sacred place with you! ❤️

  2. So fun!! Glad they can be there with you? Where's Jack in the Sathre Family Photo Op pulling the handcart?

  3. Fun times! Glad you guys had a great sabbath! And that’s fun you got to meet the criddles 😊. Love you guys! ❤️

  4. Sounds wonderful!❤️
    Cute pics!! Love you guys!!
