Saturday, July 14, 2018

14 July 2018 - Saturday

14 July 2018 - Saturday

I have a whole new appreciation for the phrase, "crack of dawn".  That is when mom and I got started this morning.  We had the assignment to take "Wilma", the pressure washer on wheels, to clean the  trail restrooms, and the bridges, and the statues, and the Cherry Creek campground, and the Missionary Village restrooms that the campers use quite frequently.  We started at 5:00am and finished up at 12:30pm.  What a day!  You have all seen the pictures of Wilma....

1992 Ford flatbed converted to "Wilma" - with a Sweetheart companion
We had some time constraints on cleaning the trail restrooms, and bridges and statues.  We had to be done, with the area where the trekkers would be coming, at around 9:30am.  And we could not do the campgrounds until another group left at 10:30am.  So the matrix was fun to work as we got ahead and behind the various groups!

Mom and I got home around 1:00pm and turned on the air conditioning, (swamp cooler), and got out of our nasty work clothes!  We then did our weekly laundry and cleaning of the trailer, and then the rest of the afternoon was ours!  

Here is a picture of my new work area where I initiate the blog;

My work area complete with the new foot massager!
Thank you Sathre's for the foot massager!  It came in the mail the other day after the family visit.  I can now sit here in this chair, for longer periods of time, as I glide my feet across this amazing device!  It has been a great day for us, and we continue to marvel at all the details associated with our service here in the Wyoming Mormon Trail Mission!

To be honest, it makes for a real interesting afternoon to hear the senior missionaries on the radios.  There are some exchanges between husband and wives that are hilarious.  Sometimes one of the two make a call for the other and there is silence on the air waves.  Just as we begin thinking about where the senior missionary may have disappeared to, they will come back on in breathless anxiety to answer the call.  

For instance, one companion was calling for the other companion, and the silence lasted for several minutes, as the call was repeated a few times.  Finally the one being called came on the radio and asked; "do you need me?"  And the classic answer came rather abruptly; "not now I don't!"

There is a lesson to be learned here.  First of all, answer your calls!  Second, be patient with your answers! Granny and I are learning so much as we serve together.  Our goal is to not need marriage counseling after we return home!  There are some that seem to be heading in that direction!  

After this one exchange, I was on the radio with mom, the other day, as we were the Trek Hosts for a large group.  We were just coming off the trek when I called her and said; "sweetheart, can you let Base know when all of our group is off the trail?"  I think we must have the most fun together because not everything has to be so serious!  After-all, this mission will ultimately come to an end, and we will have to still be living together.... calling each other Sweetheart!


  1. 🤣 So glad you two are kind to each other!❤️

  2. Way to be good examples mom and dad!! ❤️

  3. Great job you two! Eternal Perspective! 😍
