Monday, June 4, 2018

4 June 2018 - Monday - Happy Birthday Ali!

4 June 2018 - Monday

Today we celebrated Ali's birthday.  The only down side of the day was that we were not with her!  So Jared bought himself a new storage shed and had it delivered on Ali's birthday, and then called it her new birthday present!  Nice work Jared!

I had the opportunity to begin my day with our usual morning prayers and scripture reading together.  It was then my opportunity to take my three mile walk before we left for our assignments.  The goal of 20 miles each week is very attainable!

Mom and I were the campground hosts for two wards, who traveled in from Utah, for this marvelous experience.  We arrived at the campground at about 9:30am, after our 8:30am correlation meeting,  and did some restocking of the facilities.  Then we set up the two campground areas, for our guests, and then waited for their arrival.  Our first group arrived about 4:00pm and the second group arrived about 5:00pm.  

As we were cleaning and preparing for their arrival, I got these pictures;

Patiently waiting for our guests on a beautiful day in Wyoming

Checking, very carefully, the supplies needed in the bathrooms

This little baby antelope was about 48 hours old and scared without mom
Our duties this morning had us identifying the campsites and making assignments of the fire-rings and the bathrooms.  We cleaned off the benches around the fire-rings, and then we waited for our guests and enjoyed the beautiful summer day.  The temperatures reached into the low 80's and there was a steady cool breeze blowing through the camp all day.

Our view from the shade of the camp host shack!  That is our Rover and our car!

They started arriving and setting up camp!
We had about three hours of down time and then the first group arrived.  We got their camp-ground folks all set up about an hour before the trekkers arrived.  We made sure they had everything they needed for their evening activities and then we headed for home.  We are due back in the camp tomorrow morning at 6:00am to get them up and going.  The first trek group is scheduled to leave camp at 7:00am.  The last group leaves at 9:00am.  At that point, mom and I are done for the day!


  1. That's A lot of tents!!!! I love seeing pictures of you guys!!!!! You are the best!! Love you so much!!!!🌟💞👍😘⚾😇

  2. Love the selfies of you and Granny!😍 I’ve decided that Adam looks a lot like you, Grandpa! He’s got the Jones features❤️
    Sounds like a fun day! The wards that get you for their hosts are lucky indeed!😘

  3. Thank you!!! I sure missed having you around for my birthday though!!
    Love you two!! ❤

  4. Birthdays are the best! Glad you guys get down time during the day! And those sun chips look yummy!! ❤️
